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Friday, September 10, 2010

Call those Manufacturers!

So, I was making muffins this morning and wouldn't you know it my PAM spray stopped working!  Nothing and I mean nothing was coming out, not even air. (And Yes, there was still Pam left in the can, about 3/4 full).   I made sure the nozzle was pointing to the red dot and still nothing.  I ran it under water, and still nothing.  I was miffed to say the least, because I knew my muffins were going to stick!  Ugh.  Well they did, but the kids still ate them. That made my morning!

 I decided to call PAM and tell them what happened.  The customer service representative was so nice and she listened to the whole story.  She was so apologetic about the problem and she said she will send me a coupon for a free one to replace it.  Well, ok, I feel better now!

So, what's this post all about?  Don't just throw in the towel when something doesn't go right with a product, Call those manufacturers!  They need to know for quality assurance.  They also want to know when they are doing well and often send you coupons to say thanks and keep enjoying their product!  So call when there's a problem and call when you love a product, you are sure to get a very nice representative on the phone willing to help you out!


  1. Maybe the spray can was empty.

  2. That's funny! Yea, I guess I should have mentioned that there was 3/4 of liquid still left in the can.
    Post fixed!


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