FREE Ice Cream Sundae at
Little Anthony's Diner in Tucson
We Love heading over to Little Anthony's for their old-fashioned food and fun. The car shows are the BEST. The ice cream is pretty darn good too! Now when Tucson is sweltering under 105 degree or more heat, Tucsonans can head over to the Diner for a free 1 scoop ice cream sundae!

We are your GET THE HECK OUT OF THE HEAT HEADQUARTERS! Any day the temperature reaches 105 or higher, you get a FREE one-scoop ice cream sundae! Just mention this post and Arizona Families when you ORDER!
When:Any day the temp is reaching 105 degrees or higher - which is all of this week I believe 6/20-6/25 and probably beyond
Where:Little Anthony's Diner Broadway and Kolb 7010 E. Broadway Boulevard
Cost: FREE 1 scoop Sundae
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