Thursday, September 30, 2010

One Day Only: 90% off at Weekly Promo Offer 125 X 125

This is the best deal I've ever seen do. 
Click on the above link and use the code: WOW to get $25 worth of certificates for $1.


  1. Okay I got Buddy's Grill and China View, both down the street from us and favorites on Friday's when DH is very tired. Of course we only eat out once a pay day at the max.. Anyhow how easy are these to use, I figure I spend $2.50 (Buddy's was 1.50) so it's no huge loss

  2. very easy....I use mine at Bamboo Club all the time and they are great... I just tell the waitperson beforehand and tell them that we will tip them off the original amount so they don't get upset because i think many people tip off of the discounted amount :)


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