Monday, September 27, 2010

AMAZON: Diaper Deal, HURRY, Ends 9/30

If you need diapers for your kiddos, a baby shower or may want to order them from This promotion has been running for awhile but just in case anybody missed it, here is how it works:

1. Go to and sign up for an Amazonmom account HERE.  Look for your diaper brand and add them to your cart.

2. Sign up for subscribe and save 15% on the sidebar after you choose your diapers which will give you free 2 day shipping free.  Just DISCONTINUE this service when your diapers arrive

3. Get promotional codes from Parenting-The Early Years Septmeber magazine and Parents September and apply them for additional 20% each code..


(Magazine covers will be different on the September issues of each, this is just to remind you what the magazines look like)

HURRY, the promo codes in the magazines EXPIRE on Thursday, September 30th!

Here is an example of my bill for Pampers Baby Dry size 4 --176 count Final price: $11.84 shipped to my house :) That's $0.06 per diaper!!!!


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