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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Commissary Coupon Whoas?

Do you shop at the David Montham Commissary?  I have a friend who says she has nothing but problems with coupon consistency there and she is one to stand her ground. She was confronted with a new rule about only accepting printable coupons printed in color and she asked for the updated policy in writing, but they were unable to do that so they let her use her coupon "this one time".

Anyway, my friend emailed the Defense Commissary Agency through their website to state her concerns and ask for clarification on their coupon policy.  Here is their response:

Dear Ms.          ,

Thank you for accessing the Defense Commissary Agency's web site with your
concern. I apologize for any inconvenience you experienced at the
Davis-Monthan AFB Commissary.

In general, and in accordance with DeCA Directive 40-6, all commissaries are
authorized to accept manufacturer coupons and Internet coupons that you print
at home, as long as they meet the following requirements:

A. They must state "coupon".
B. They must contain a message to the retailer specifying the terms and
conditions for accepting the coupons.
C. They must have a redemption address.
D. They must state the purchase requirements, e.g., "Coupon good on any size
purchase of. . .," or "Coupon good on the purchase of two cans of. ..," etc.
E. They must have a specially stated face value, e.g., "50 cents" or an "up
to" or "no more than" value, etc.
F. They are not expired (except overseas, where they can be accepted up to
six months after the expiration date).
G. Internet coupons cannot be accepted for free products, however, "Buy One
Get One Free" coupons can be accepted if they meet all the coupon requirements
as stated.
H. Internet coupons must contain a typical barcode. The coupon has to have a
barcode as the cashiers are required to scan all Internet coupons. In
addition, the coupon must have EITHER a PIN (the numbers under the bar code)
OR a Dot Scan Barcode located under the expiration date. If the Internet
coupon has a barcode with the PIN, then it does not have to also have the Dot
Scan Barcode.

We also do not accept photocopies of any coupons. If they are printed off the
Internet, they must be an original print in either color or black and white.

In addition, we frequently send notices of known counterfeit coupons to the
commissaries. They are not allowed to accept counterfeit coupons, regardless
of where they came from. If you question the commissary's refusal to accept a
coupon based on it being counterfeit, they should be able to show you the

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to clarify this issue. I encourage
you to continue to take advantage of your commissary benefit and the 30
percent plus overall savings. If you need assistance in the future, please do
not hesitate to contact Mr. Morris or any member of his management team.


Rey Andres
Commissary Management Specialist
Performance & Policy


I suggest you print this out and bring it with you the next time you shop so you can show them if they dispute a coupon you are trying to use.  You can always find this policy on my sidebar Label Cloud, just look for Commissary and click it.

Thanks, Vicki for the information!

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