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Saturday, September 4, 2010

More Fry's Freebies!

Ok, don't think that I am TOTALLY crazy, but I went back to Fry's today.  It is a holiday weekend and we are invited over to a friends house for a BBQ and I have to bring something!  So I am bringing homemade pesto for pesto pizzas and cream puffs...yum!  Well I was out of vanilla pudding for the cream puffs and I was determined to make them, so I had to dash out to Fry's to pick some up (I don't usually stock up on Vanilla, Chocolate is the favorite in our family).  Luckily it was on sale (not free but not bad either).  Ok, ok on to the free stuff...

I heard that colgate toothbrushes and toothpaste and kids GUM toothbrushes were free, so I brought along my coupons and sure enough, they were.  Not only were they free, but the toothbrushes were both twin packs!  So when  you go look for a Colgate display with Colgate -Total twin pack toothbrushes with a sticker that says buy 1 get 1 FREE.  The GUM toothbrushes look like crayons.

So I got 3 toothpastes, 6 adult toothbrushes and 6 kids!  Whahoo!

Colgate toothbrushes (8/29 SS)
Colgate toothpaste (8/29 SS)
GUM toothbrushes (8/8 RP)

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