Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cellfire: Load New E-Coupons + Enter to win their Giveaway

There have been 26 coupons added to CellFire this week. PLUS every time you add a coupon to your card between now and October 18th, you'll be entered to win 1 of 5 - $500 Grocery gift cards! 

New to Cellfire?  Let me explain it to you.  When you register your cellphone number with Cellfire you will have access to many different Electronic Coupons that load right to your Fry's or Safeway grocery cards.   This service is provided free of charge to all users. And don't worry, your cell phone number will never be sold.  I have been using this service for a couple of years and have never had any marketing calls to my cellphone. 

With Cellfire, you'll never have to print, clip, or forget your coupons again!

Go HERE to load the newest coupons

  • Green Giant® boxed vege's Save $.60
    Save $0.60 when you buy THREE any variety Green Giant® Frozen Boxed Vegetables.

  • Pillsbury® Crescents Save $.50
    Save $0.50 when you buy any TWO Pillsbury® Crescent Dinner Rolls.

  • Refrigerated Pillsbury® Grands!® Biscuits Save $.30
    Save $0.30 when you buy TWO any size/variety Refrigerated Pillsbury® Grands!® Biscuits.

  • Pillsbury® Italian Meal Breads Save $.40
    Save $0.40 when you buy any TWO Pillsbury® Italian Meal Breads (Includes any Loaves, Breadsticks, Dinner Rolls, and Pizza Crust).

  • Progresso® Soups Save $.50
    Save $0.50 when you buy TWO any flavor Progresso® Soups.

  • Nature Valley® Granola Bars Save $.50
    Save $0.50 when you buy ONE BOX any flavor/variety Nature Valley® Granola Bars (excludes Nature Valley® Granola Thins).

  • Fiber One® Chewy Bar Save $.50
    Save $0.50 when you buy ONE BOX any flavor Fiber One® Chewy Bars OR Fiber One® 90 Calorie Chewy Bars .

  • Betty Crocker® Cookie Mix Save $.40
    Save $0.40 when you buy ONE POUCH any flavor 17.5 OZ. OR LARGER Betty Crocker® Cookie Mix.

  • Gardetto's Snack Mix Save $.50
    Save $0.50 when you buy any flavor 8 OZ. OR LARGER Gardettos® Snack Mix.

  • Kix® cereal Save $.75
    Save $0.75 when you buy any ONE BOX Kix® cereal listed: Kix®, Berry Berry Kix®, Honey Kix®.

  • Cocoa Puffs® cereal Save $.55
    Save $0.55 when you buy any ONE BOX Cocoa Puffs® cereal.

  • Green Giant® Frozen Bagged Vegetables Save $.40
    Save $0.40 when you buy any variety 19 OZ. - 24 OZ. ONLY Green Giant® Frozen Bagged Vegetables.

  • Chex Mix® or Snacks Save $.50
    Save $0.50 when you buy ONE any flavor 4.5 OZ. OR LARGER Chex Mix® OR Chex® 100 Calorie Snack.

  • Betty Crocker® SuperMoist® Cake Mix AND Betty Crocker® Ready to Spread Frosting Save $.50
    Save $0.50 when you buy BOTH Betty Crocker® SuperMoist® Cake Mix AND Betty Crocker® Ready to Spread Frosting (any flavors/varieties).

  • Yoplait® Cups Save $.40
    Save $0.40 when you buy SIX any variety Yoplait® Yogurt cups (Includes Original, Light, Thick & Creamy, OR Whips!®) OR any flavor Yoplait® Original OR Light Smoothie.

  • Select Cheerios® Save $.75
    Save $0.75 when you buy any ONE BOX Cheerios® cereal listed- Frosted Cheerios®, Apple Cinnamon Cheerios®, Banana Nut Cheerios®, Fruity Cheerios®, ChocolateCheerios®, Cheerios® Oat Cluster Crunch, Yogurt Burst Cheerios®, Berry Burst Cheerios®.

  • Yoplait® Fiber One® Save $1
    Save $1.00 when you buy any flavor Yoplait® Fiber One® Yogurt Multipacks.

  • Pillsbury® Savorings Save $1
    Save $1.00 when you buy TWO any flavor/variety Pillsbury® Savorings® products.

  • Variety Green Giant® Valley Fresh Steamers Save $.50
    Save $0.50 when you buy TWO any variety Green Giant® Valley Fresh Steamers frozen vegetables.

  • Betty Crocker® Box Muffin Mix or Fiber One® Box Muffin Mix Save $.50
    Save $0.50 when you buy ONE any flavor/variety Betty Crocker® Box Muffin Mix or Fiber One® Box Muffin Mix.

  • Any Pillsbury® Sweet Moments(TM) Save $1
    Save $1.00 when you buy any Pillsbury® Sweet Moments(TM) Refrigerated Desserts.

  • Granola Thins Save $.50
    Save $0.50 when you buy ONE BOX any flavor/variety Nature Valley® Granola Thins.

  • Yoplait Kids Zone Save $.75
    Save $0.75 when you buy TWO any flavor Yoplait® products listed- Yoplait® Go-GURT® Yogurt, Yoplait® Trix® Multipack Yogurt, Yoplait® Splitz Yogurt.

  • Betty Crocker® Potatoes Save $.50
    Save $0.50 when you buy TWO any flavor Betty Crocker® boxed Potatoes (Except Potato Buds® and Betty Crocker® Pouch).

  • Betty Crocker® Fudge Brownie Mix Save $1
    Save $1.00 when you buy TWO BOXES any variety Betty Crocker® Fudge Brownie Mix.

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