I found this site, thanks to twitter! I think it's a great local version of Twitter for AZ! You can advertise, post events, share coupons, etc. The possibilities are endless really! Check out ArizonaLocals.com, join, and start posting!
Need more information? I have cut and pasted their "about us" page:
What Arizona Locals Does
Whether it’s breaking Arizona news, a local traffic jam, a deal at your favorite shop or a funny story from a friend, Arizona Locals keeps you informed with what matters most to you today and helps you discover what might matter to you most tomorrow.Just remember, how you use Arizona Locals is completely up to you. Weather you follow lots of people, post messages frequently or less. Search for your favorite topics and create lists. You are in control on Arizona Locals.
Arizona Locals for Businesses
Arizona Locals is a simple tool that helps connect Arizona businesses with customers.Local businesses and organizations of all kinds are now able to stay connected to their customers. ArizonaLocals.com can be used to quickly share information with people interested in your company, gather real-time market intelligence and feedback, and build relationships with customers, partners and other people who care about your business. Customers can use ArizonaLocals.com to tell a company (or anyone else) that they have had a good or disappointing experience with your business, offer product ideas, and learn about great offers they’ve selected to be notified of.
Arizona Locals and the Community.
At Arizona Locals, we felt there was a need to build a local company today and our role in making our Arizona community a better place. We believe that the open exchange of local information can have a positive impact in Arizona and will actively work to support this principal in everything that we do.

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