Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Safeway AZ Grocery Deals 10/20-10/26 2010

Safeway is continuing to make all coupons(even "do not double") worth $1
You can also useSafeway e-coupons from HERE PandG e-coupons from HERE and more e-coupons HERE or HERE
Also, check out printable coupons HERE.
If you have an Entertainment Book there are $5/$50 coupons for Safeway that can also be used.
Remember to get the coupon booklet for $70 worth of savings...I had to ask at customer service!

These are my favorite deals for this week:


Avocados .99c

Bananas .99c/lb.

Gala, Granny Smith or Red Delicious Apples .50c/lb

Pomegranates $2

On the vine tomatoes .99c/lb.

Pumpkins B1G1 (10/22-10/25)


Lloyds Shredded Pork/Beef $2.99

Farmer John Sausage $1.25
Use from HERE

Johnsonville Bratwurst/Sausage $3.99
Use .55c from HERE
Final: $2.99 each

Oscar Meyer Deli Lunchmeat $3.49
Use $1/2 from SS 9/26
or from HERE
Final: $2.98 when u buy 2

Frozen Shrimp Rings w/sauce $7.99


1 Gallon Dairy Glenn Milk $1.77 (limit2)

18 ct. Lucerne eggs $1.79 with in-ad coupon

Lucerne butter 16oz. $2.49 with in-ad coupon

Lucerne Shredded or chunk cheese 32 oz. $4.99
Use .55c from HERE
Final: $3.99

Fage Greek Yogurt $1.25
Use $1 from HERE from FB
or .50c. from HERE
Final: .25c

Grocery Items

Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks .99c (with inad coupon)
Use .50c. from HERE
or .50c from GM 9/12 or 10/3
Final: .49c
Plus Catalina Promotion buy 2 get $1, buy 4 get $2, buy 5 get $3

Simply Juices or Ades
$2.49 (with in-ad coupon)
Use $1 from HERE
Final: $1.49

CA Pizza Kitchen Pizza $3.99 (when u buy 3)
Use $2 from HERE
Final: $1.99 each

12 pack coca-cola products B2G2 FREE + get 2 Nabisco crackers FREE
$11.98 for (4) 12 packs and 2 crackers
Use (2) tearpad for $2 off coke and nabisco
Final: $7.98

Ragu Pasta Sauce $1.25

1 comment:

  1. FYI I took 2 free Poptart coupons from the poptarts reward program to Safeway (I know it's not even worth trying BOGO or Free copuons at the commisary)
    They looked it over very carefully, it was printed on red dot like paper in black in (from Kellogs) but I guess they now really want the FREE coupons to have that silver strip like the Advil one I just got (and used at CVS) anyhow the gal said that if a Free coupon even looks like it could be from the internet Safeway won't take it.
    Scammers are making it very hard on us good couponders.


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