Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Save 5% on all Target purchases all the time!

Do you want to save even more money at Target?  Starting today, your REDcard (debit and credit cards) saves you 5% on almost anything you want, any time you shop. Originally it was supposed to be Oct. 17th, but there is a "soft" opening starting today.

I was there today and the cashier was telling the person in front of me all about it so I asked for a brochure about the program. 

Here is what it says:
"...Simply use your REDcard to save 5% at Target, with no points to earn or complex rules to learn.  That's 5% off our already low prices, so you save even more on the things you need and the stuff you really want.

Target Pharmacy Rewards is also changing for the better, when you enroll for free in the program, you earn a 5% off certificate with every five prescriptions paid for with your REDcard at Target Pharmacy (discount will not apply to prescription purchases)  New program rules are available at"

I am excited!  I already have a card, so I can just start using it again for the discount!  If you are interested in applying for the card, you can go to the store and fill out an application.  If you are going to apply for the debit card, I heard the cashier say to bring in a blank check and the computer will read your bank information and set it up.  If you'd like to apply online, go HERE

Additional information:
* No Annual Fee
* Annual percentage rate for purchases: 13.25%, 17.25%, 22.90% based on your credit
* To avoid paying interest pay your entire balance by the due date each month
* 5% will not be available for gift card purchases

Coupons + Discount= Huge Savings at Target!!


  1. Humm so if I sign up for the debit feature, no interst, takes it out of my checking account and I get 5%

  2. Yep! Pretty cool huh? They've been talking about this since June and I couldn't wait for it to start. Unfortunately I didn't have my Target card with me today ):


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