Sunday, October 3, 2010

Target: Clothing coupons are Available....QUICK!

Hurry! The clothing coupons are back!  These are the ones that are available:

$3 off Adult Denim Apparel Item
$2 off Kids Denim Apparel Item
$2 off Merona Woman's Socks or Hosiery Item
$3 off Men's or Womans Sweater Item

plus, there are two other coupons that I printed
(other than the bakery and produce ones that Christina mentioned). 

These might be good deals at Fry's or Target:

$1.50 off GE lightbulb reveal or reveal CFL (Target coupon)
Use with $1 off GE lightbulb from today's paper (mfg. coupon)
Savings= $2.50

Use (2) $1 off 10-12.5 oz Nestle bagged candy (Target coupon)
Use with $1/2 coupon from HERE
Savings= $3 off 2 bags

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