Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tucson: Friday 10/15 Family Events

Friday, October 15th


Pima County Library Calendar of Events HERE


Bookmans 10:00 am
 Ina -Story Tunes
 Grant-Tunes for Tots
 Speedway-Story time


SAVE Winterhaven fundraiser
Where: Chik-fil-A at El Con
               3605 E. Broadway Blvd.
               Tucson, AZ
When: Friday, October 15 ALL DAY

Help save Winterhaven today. They will receive percentage of sales, collect donations, sell paper light bulbs, and have door prizes all day. Balloon artist will be there from 4-8pm for kids. Help keep this Tucson tradition going strong.

Flandrau Laser Light show (more appropriate for teens and up)

Where:  Flandrau: The University of Arizona Science Center
               1601 E. University Blvd.Tucson, AZ 85719

Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon (43min in length)
Showtimes: Friday at 5:30 and 9 p.m.
Led Zeppelin -Classic Hits (52 min. in length)
Showtime: Friday at 10 p.m.
Electronica (50 min. in length)
Showtime: Friday at 11 p.m.

Cost: Adults $10
         Kids (4-15) and college students $7.50

For tickets and more informationg go HERE or call 621-STAR (4516)

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