Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tucson: Friday 10/22 Events


Pima County Library Calendar of Events HERE


Bookmans 10:00 am
 Ina -Story Tunes
 Grant-Tunes for Tots
 Speedway-Story time

Caramel Apple Fridays
When: Every Friday in October from 11:00am-1:00pm
Where: Maynards Market
            400 Toole Ave
            Tucson, AZ
What:   Bring the kids for Caramel Apple Fridays and get a kick out of seeing them dip their own apples and coating them in their favorite treats.  $5 per apple

They also have some grab and go foods for the kids if you want to eat lunch there before making the caramel apples

Colossal Cave- Halloween Howl

When: Friday, Oct. 22 from 5pm-9pm

Where: Colossal Cave see map HERE

What: Haunted Hayrides & Candlelight tour ride through the dark, ghostly ranch and get lots of shivers in the ancient cave!  Family games, fun, food and more
Call 520-647-7121 for more information.

Cost: Park fees apply


Tohono Chul Park - Park after Dark

When: Friday, Oct. 22nd from 5pm to 8pm

Where: Tohono Chul Park
            7366 N. Paseo Norte, Tucson AZ

What:  Experience Magical Nighttime Creatures (spiders, snakes, owls, bats, bobcat)
Live Performance by the Desert Players
Pantomime of Monsoon Mischief
Crystal Ridge Bluegrass Band

Cost: $5 Adults
         Free to members and Children 12 and under

Call 520-742-6455 for more information


Reid Park Zoo- Howl-o-ween

When: Friday, Oct. 22nd from 6pm to 8pm

Where: Reid Zoo
            1100 S. Randolf Way, Tucson AZ

What: Halloween fun, including costumed characters, trick-or-treating, and decorations galore.  Once again, there will be less "boo" and more "zoo" to provide the entire family with an enjoyable, but not so frightening celebration

No scary area
Select animals on display
Advance tickets are available

Flandrau Laser Light show (more appropriate for teens and up)

Where:  Flandrau: The University of Arizona Science Center
               1601 E. University Blvd.Tucson, AZ 85719

Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon (43min in length)
Showtimes: Friday at 5:30 and 9 p.m.
Led Zeppelin -Classic Hits (52 min. in length)
Showtime: Friday at 10 p.m.
Electronica (50 min. in length)
Showtime: Friday at 11 p.m.

Cost: Adults $10
         Kids (4-15) and college students $7.50

For tickets and more informationg go HERE or call 621-STAR (4516)

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