Friday, October 15, 2010

Tucson Shopper - Get your coupons!

The Tucson Shopper was in my mailbox today with some valuable coupons that I thought I would remind you to clip:

Coupon:  Buy one Oroweat, Entenmann's or Thomas Product, get one of equal or lesser value FREE.  (flyer inside the Tucson Shopper)

Some additional information about Entenmann's:

~ Get a punch card while you are there.  The cashier will punch your card everytime you purchase, when you fill your card, you get a free item.

~When you purchase $7 worth of stuff you get to pick a free item off their rack next to the register.

Coupon: 50% off any non-sale item.   (actually printed on one of the pages in the Tucson Shopper)

For a full description of this store see out post HERE.

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