Albertson's I am going this week especially for produce/dairy :)
Milk $1.59 gallon
Eggs $1 dozen
Use .55c off 2doz from (no longer available but if you still have it :))
Final: 2 dozen for $1.45
Daisy Sour Cream 8oz. $1
Strawberries 4lbs. $4.77
Apples, oranges and pears $1/lb.
Boneless, skinless chicken breasts $1.77/lb.
Birds Eyes Steamfresh veggies/rice $1
Use $1/3 from RP 3/6/11
or $1/2 from Safeway Frozen Food Booklet
Final:>50c - .66c each
Albertson's sandwich bread $1
Minute Maid Cherry Limeade $1
Kellogg's Cereals $1.50 when u buy 4*
Use $1/2 from RP 3/6/11
or $1/2 from HERE
Final:$1 each when u buy 4 and use 2 q's

Grapes (of course!) .74c/lb.
Mangos .69c
Mini Seedless Watermelon $2.99 (not best price but sick kiddo asking for it)
Bashas' Chicken breasts (bone-in) .88c/lb.
Shamrock Calcium plus milk 96oz. $1.79
use .50c/2 from HERE
or if you can find them .25c peelies
Mrs. T Pierogies $1.99
Use Bashas' coupon found in weekly ad
Plus $ 1 from HERE
or $1 from RP 3/6/11
Fry's continues with all coupons worth $1 and continues to take competitors $ off coupons...
Like this ONE $10 off $50 from Fresh and Easy!!! There is a MEga sale for when u buy 10 items you get a reduced price all say when u buy 10 and are marked with *
Free Vitamin Water makes me do the coupon cumbia!!!(That's my coupon dance set to cumbias)
Avocados .99c
Cantaloupe .99c
Boneless, skinless chicken breasts $1.77/lb.
Extra Lean Ground Turkey $2.33/lb.
Bear Naked Trail Mix $2.49
Use $1 HERE
Final $1.49
Annie's Mac and Cheese .49c when u buy 10*
There are reported tearpads for $1/2
Final: 2 for free w /tearpad
Rice-a-roni or Past roni .79c *when u buy 10
use free pasta roni when u buy 3 rice-a-ronis
Final: .48c each when u buy 4
Yakisoba Noodles $1
use .50c from SS 3/13/11
Final: FREE
Ronzoni and Am Beauty Pastas .49c when u buy 10 *
Use $1/2 from SS 1/23/11
or $1/2 from HERE
Final: 2 for FREE
Boca meatless sausage/burgers other frozen items $2.49 when u buy 10*
use $1/2 from HERE
or $1/2 from Safeway Frozen Food Booklet
Plus $2/2 from TARGET
Final: .99c when u buy 2
Capri Sun $1.49 when u buy 10*
No q's
Kraft Cheese Singles $1.49 when u buy 10*
Use $1 from HERE
Final: .49c
Country Crock Spread when u buy 10 $1.29*
Use .40c from HERE
Vitamin Water YAY! .49c when u buy 10*
Use .50c from HERE
or .50c/1 from Diet Coke Booklet
Final: FREE
Nestle Water 24 case $2.79 when u buy 10*
Current Catalina buy 2 get $1, buy 3 get $2, buy 4+ get $5
Smart Balance Oil/Mayonnaise/Peanut Butter $1.49 when u buy 10*
Use .75c from HERE
Final: .49c
Butterfinger Snackerz (I have given them to my students) .50c
Use .10c from HERE
or Circle K tearpad .50c/2
Final: FREE
Skittles/Starburst .50c
Use .50c/2 from HERE
Final: FREE
Dial Hand Soap .99c
Use .35c from RP 3/13/11
Final: FREE
Dove Men's deodorant/bodywash $2.99 whenu buy 10 *
Use $1 off wash from HERE
or $2 off deodorant HERE
Plus $1 of either TARGET
Final: FREE deo or .99c wash
Kroger Pain relievers $1
Use $1 off TARGET brand
Final: FREE
To see more match-ups check out fellow AZ Blogger Sheryl
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