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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Rango DVD coupon makes $11.99 plus food at Safeway! + Other Rango deals

Safeway seems to have the best dealio on Rango! 
If you want Sponge Bob and Rango- Target has a good one too!
Reminder: Not available until Friday, July 15th, 2011

Rango DVD plus 1 bag of Hershey's Air Delights/Kisses, 1 Pop Secret and 2 bottles Lipton $16.99
The ad shows $11.99 after $5 coupon HERE
BluRay plus above items for $18.99 after $5 coupon HERE
2. Target

DVD – $12 with $5 coupon HERE
Blu-ray combo – $17.99 with $5 coupon HERE
**Purchase both The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie blu-ray combo ($15.99) and any Rango version, get $8 off instant savings
Final: Sponge Bob and Rango DVDS $20 total
3. CVS
DVD – $11.99 with $5 coupon HERE 
DVD – $12.99 with $5  coupon HERE
Blu-ray combo – $14.99 with $5 coupon HERE 
5. Walgreens
 DVD – $11.99 with $5 coupon HERE AND WAgs in ad coupon

Have you found any good deals on Rango?


  1. FYI, Safeway in the Tempe area does not have the Rango DVD available. Just went today as the coupon expires tomorrow and was told tough luck. :(

  2. Success, it is in Ahwatukee and Customer Service advised me the drinks/chocolate/popcorn are right up front with the DVDs by the customer service area. :)

  3. I am so glad you got that great deal- I haven't seen it- is it a good movie?


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