Saturday, October 22, 2011

60 lbs. of produce for $10 Market on the Move

What:Market On The Move around 60 lbs. of produce for $10
Market on the Moveprovides a Farmers’  Market atmosphere at locations throughout the Phoenix and Tucson Metropolitan areas where partners and supporters of this program can come on a regular basis to not only pick up the free produce for distribution but also to acquire health education on Diabetes and Cancer Prevention as well as many other health issues.The volume of produce being thrown way exceeds our ability to rescue and distribute it to the needy thereby creating a need for thousands of partners and supporters to join with us in our food rescue efforts. More info HERE
When:Today 8-12 noon
Where:New Life Church  12th Ave. Nebraska, Tucson, AZ 85706
Cost: $10 for produce free to check out

I will post about in the future too!

(Thanks, Centsable Shopping!)


  1. This really is a great deal! Retail would be around $60-75 for the items I picked up this week! There is plenty to share with family and donate also!

  2. Thanks for the first-hand information maybe next time we will make it- or if anybody would like to share?

  3. Thanks for the means to help my neighbors and to give to those who can not afford vegetables for their family. This is a great program.


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