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Friday, January 20, 2012

REMINDER: Funbites Giveaway Ends Sunday 1/22/12 Low Entries

Eating a "funbitten" piece of pizza!

Eating a "funbitten" piece of pizza!
I was given the opportunity to try Funbites.  An ingenious, new product that is simple to use.  
My daughter got the perfect sized funbite and had my son ate his entire sandwich at lunch!

Let me give you some background:
  • My 2 year-old daughter will eat anything you put in front of her from smoked salmon to hummus but she is 2 and needs smaller bites.
  • My 5 year-old son in Kinder, on the other hand, is too interested in playing, running or in other words, constantly moving to eat well.  He is also picky.  If he could, I think he would live off milk.

He has never finished his lunch at school mainly because I believe that lunch recess is much more tempting to him than whatever tasty morsels I have packed.

I received both the Luv it! and Cube it! (pictured above). They retail for $12.99 for a cutter and popper. 
They are dishwasher safe and BPA free.  I found cleaning them a bit tricky at first, but I used a small baby bottle brush to quickly remove any food residue in the crevices and then in the top rack of the dishwasher they went.

My son helped me in cutting the pieces of pizza and quesadillas ~a great way to get kids involved in the kitchen!

 The final product of pizza that my son "made" (note:the avocado was not funbitten)

Happy kids in the kitchen!

Now, for the MIRACLE- My son ate his entire "funbitten" PB &J at school- this was GONE!  
He has been requesting it and eating it- I have something on lunch recess now- It is called Funbites!

To win your own choice of a Funbites Luv it! or Cube it! Follow the instructions below :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

      *I was not compensated for this review.  I was given 2 Funbites products to try but all opinions and thoughts are my own.


  1. yes, they are picky and have a ton of food allergies :( ... thanks for the giveaway

  2. My daughter is slightly picky, the fight is getting her to try foods. If I can get her to try it, she usually likes it.


  3. One of my kids is a super picky eater, the other eats anything and everything!

  4. My 6 year old loves to eat "snack" meals and "finger foods" instead of "real" meals (I guess that's picky?) so she'll love this and my little guy (1) NEEDS small sized stuff. What a cool gadget!!

  5. Super cool! My kiddos are always on the move. Anything that gets them to eat is GREAT!


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