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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Solstice Celebration! 6/20/12 + Brooklyn Pizza Coupons

I know it has alreadt felt like summer for quite some time in the Old Pueblo but officially summer solstice is here.  Where else to celebrate than the Sky Bar! I wanted to highlight their event here and it is on the daily calendar.

What:Elemental Artistry and friends invite you to join us in a community gathering celebrating the Summer Solstice! We encourage you to bring the family, bring your friends, bring yourself and bring your LOVE of local performance artists in Tucson! The evening will be filled with JOY and Dancing! Elemental Artistry will be doing two fire dancing sets, Orbital Evolution will be in full force hula hooping it up, The Wonderfools will be provoking laughter and smiles through juggling, and Flight School acrobatics will be doing the craziest partner acro-yoga you've ever seen!!!
When:Celebration outside 8-10pm **** inside the SKY BAR will be DJ Odious hosting Open Mic Night from 6pm-12***** http://www.facebook.com/pages/Open-Mic-at-Skybar-with-DJOdious/175536579141096
Where:SKY.bar 536 N. 4th Ave, Tucson, Arizona 85705
Cost:FREE- donations appreciated for all of the great performers!

In addition, if you would like some tasty pizza from next door Brooklyn Pizza go HERE for some coupons :)

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