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Monday, June 18, 2012

The Teacher Parent Connection- Great Crafts/Activites


The Teacher Parent Connection is an amazing local business with educational supplies and toys.  They have a fabulous summer program in which they will be taking a world tour inside the store! Pick up your passport in store and get started!

They explain, "Each week we are featuring a different country & each week has at least two FREE art activities to take, FREE copy of a 1000 Plus numbers Dot to Dots of famous landmarks & FREE cookie recipe & samples of that week's country."

"This week we are doing Russia. Very cool Fabrege egg craft & a project to make a set of Russian nesting dolls, Matryoshkas. All for FREE fun! We will be doing two more weeks/countries of Our Amazing Summer Journey, after this one."
Where:The Teacher Parent Connection 7641 East Speedway Blvd

Phone1 (520) 298-1612
When:9am-6pm Mon-Sat
Cost: FREE

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