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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Tournament of Destruction- Win 4 Tickets!

I am very excited to check out the Tournament of Destruction that will have two nights in Tucson!  June 22 and June 23.  I have never been to a show like this and I know for sure my husband and son are going to have a blast!  it is a Father's Day present to our daddy to go to an event like this!

What:.The Tournament of Destruction This annual event including Monster Trucks, Demolition Derby, and tough trucks has become a family favorite for both young and old.  The show features high flying monster trucks, bone rattling demo derby car crashes and dangerously fast tough trucks. Monster Trucks: Terminator, TUFF- E- NUFF, Nasty Boy and UNNAMED & UNTAMED!!  Please visit www.tournamentofdestruction.net for more information.
 When: 5:00-11:00pm Meet the drivers and have a photograph with your favorite truck at the free Pit Party from 5:30pm - 6:30pm. 
Where: Tucson Rodeo Grounds on South 6th ave and Irvington.

Now, you can win your way in too!  Up for grabs are 4 tickets to either night- June 22nd or June 23!
Enter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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