FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
What:The Sky Tonight Planetarium Show Presented by Starlight Planetarium. Join us for this exciting indoor planetarium show.
When:2-3pm FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:Mission Library
What:Despicable Me and Zookeeper
When:10am FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:5755 W Arizona Pavilions Drive, Tucson, AZ 85743 520-579-0500
Cost:Free to kids 10 an dunder all others $2
What: Kids Movie Alvin and the Chipmunks Chipwrecked
When:9:45am FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:5455 S. Calle Santa Cruz, Tucson, AZ - (520) 889-5588
Cost:$2 for everybody
What: Kids Movie RIO
When:10am FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:Grand Cinema Crossroads on Grant 4811 E. Grant Road,
Cost:free for kids and $2 for adults
What:Free Movie Kung Fu Panda 2
When:11am FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:Oracle View 4690 N. Oracle Road
Cost:free for kids- All other 42 and snack packs $4.50
an hour long musical extravaganza for the kids! We'll play games, read
stories and sing all kinds of fun songs!! The program tends to aim more
towards toddlers, but all kids are welcome!
When:10-11am FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:Bookmans Ina
What:Caribbean Taking it Higher Pool Party and CD Release Join Richard Noel poolside to celebrate the CD release from this amazing Tucson artists!
When:7-10pm FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:Inn Suites- Poolside- 475 N Granada Avenue
Cost:Free and open to the public
What:Harry Potter and the Obnoxious Voice:A Spoof Play
When:7pm FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:Red Barn Theatre 948 N. Main Avenue
What:Summer Reading Activities Summer Reading Activities Join
us at the Flowing Wells Branch Library and complete a few of the 100
Activities listed in your Summer Reading Passport! All materials will be
provided and all ages are welcome.Plant a seed and check out seeds from
the seed library.
When:10-12 noon FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:Flowing Wells library
When:10-12 noon FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:Flowing Wells library
What:Summer Safari Nights- Reid Park Zoo is starting there
weekly summer nights this Friday!Relax in the cooler temperatures,
enjoy viewing you favorite animals, get an up close and personal
encounter with one of our animal ambassadors and enjoy games, crafts
and face painting for the kids.
Where:Reid Park Zoo
When:5-8pm FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Cost:$7.50 per adult and $5 per child (ages 2- 12). Kids under 2 are free
What:Friday Night Live- Jazz Summer Concert Series Lisa Otey and Diane Van Deurze
When:7pm FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:University Blvd. Between Euclid/Tyndall Geronimo Plaza main Gate Square
Where:University Blvd. Between Euclid/Tyndall Geronimo Plaza main Gate Square
Cost:FREE and free parking validated in Tyndall 5om-12 midnight
What: Disney's Aladdin Jr. by Youth @ Performing Arts.
My family and I are very excited to go to this local production!
Aladdin Jr. looks like such a magical and entertaining journey through
the Arabian desert. The set is a magnificent marketplace that will
include a sculpted camel, and fabulous costumes! All of the Disney
characters will be in the stage adaptation of the film: Jasmine, the
Genie and Aladdin himself! To see all of the information and purchase
tickets ahead of time go HERE.
When: Shows are June 15 and 16 at 7:15pm FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where: Flowing Wells
Cost: Adults $10 Children $7 Reserved seating $12-$15 You can get 10% off your entire ticket purchase at the door when you say you saw it on Arizona Families!
When: Shows are June 15 and 16 at 7:15pm FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where: Flowing Wells
Cost: Adults $10 Children $7 Reserved seating $12-$15 You can get 10% off your entire ticket purchase at the door when you say you saw it on Arizona Families!
What: Wild West Stunt Show at Trail Dust Town
When:7pm, 8pm and 9pm showings FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:Trail Dust Town 6541 E. Tanque Verde
Cost:FREE- donations accepted
What:Click Club Attention Summer Reading Passport holders! Drop in to the Click Club to fulfill some of the activities on the list of 100 or just drop in for fun. You’ll learn to take a virtual tour of a museum, download a song on Freegal, or discover an online story.
When:10am-12noon FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:Nanini Library
What:Wild and Wacky Puppets Come and create a wacky and fantastic puppet with Gwen Ray of the Hanuman Puppet Theatre. Bring it to life through voice and movement in this workshop.Please note: This workshop event is reserved for kids who will be going into the 4th or 5th grade in the fall and who would like to perform puppet shows at our library.
When:1:30-3:30pm FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:Dusenberry River Library
What:Grab Bag 100
activities is a lot to choose from--try a few at a time every Friday
afternoon this summer. We will dabble in science, art, storytelling,
games and more!
Teen volunteers will be on hand to help out. For ages 4 and up.
When:2-4pm FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:Joel Valdez Main Library
What:Aspire! ART-Mazing Arizona Presented by TeenzArt.Students will create a desert landscape using chalk,watercolor or collage.Space is limited, tickets will be handed out 1 hour before program.
When:2-3pm FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:Wheeler taft Liubrary
What:Lego RoboFun
This free library program will expose participants to easy robotics
using LEGO™ RCX Mindstorms™.Ten 9- to 12-year-olds will build robot
rovers and implode a nearby black hole, rebooting the Mayan calendar and
saving the world — all hardware and instruction will be provided by the
librarian.Please call 520-594-5315 to register.
When:12:30-2:30 FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:Martha Cooper Library
What:Beer and Wine tasting for Dad paired with goodies from the deli!
When:4-7pm FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:Whole Foods Speedway
What:Elemental Artistry Fire Dancing! Come see amazing fire dancers and all their tricks!
When:7pm FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:Sky Bar 536 N. 4th Avenue
Cost:FREE to watch (drinks and food vary)
Cost:FREE to watch (drinks and food vary)
What:The Bike and Beast Car Show is a chance to celebrate
Father's with food, fun, and great machines. There will be kid's
activities and live music. Admission is FREE and Registration for
Motorcycles and Cars is FREE as well. To register your Bike or Beast,
please email Come and join us for this great
family event!
When:6-10pm FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:Northwest Community Friends Church Street: 5950 N. La Canada
What:Make a Duct Tape Wallet:
Make and take a craft Father's Day wallet Ages 3
and up.Make and take a duct tape wallet FREE Ages 3 and up.
When:6-8pm FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:Michael's Craft Stores
What:Family Movie Night Join us after the library closes for a family friendly movie and popcorn. See branch for monthly movie titles.
When:5:30pm FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
Where:Flowing Wells Library
What:Juneteenth Festival Live performances, dancers, slide, slide castle, KidsZone , Puppet shows, food and resource booths! Free Eegee's and hot dogs 12-1!
When:10am-6pm SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:2160 N 6th Avenue
What:Lizard Walk Join us as we search for
whiptail, spiny, ornate tree and other lizards that roam Agua
Caliente Park. Binoculars are available for use or bring your own.
Free, all ages. For more information call 615-7855 or
When:8-9am SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Agua Caliente Park - 12325 East Roger Road
at Bookmans Ina Ever pretend you’re a rock star? That’s what we’re doing today! Color
your own inflatable guitar and transform yourself into the biggest rock
star of all time!W
When:1-2pm SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Bookmans Ina
What: Meet Sueño - the live Harris Hawk Come in to the Porter Hall Gallery at the Gardens and meet a live raptor, Sueno, the Harris' Hawk. His rehabilitator, Kathie, will be on-hand to answer any questions you may have about this amazing species.
Where:Tucson Botanical gardens
Cost:FREE with regular admission costs
What: Meet Sueño - the live Harris Hawk Come in to the Porter Hall Gallery at the Gardens and meet a live raptor, Sueno, the Harris' Hawk. His rehabilitator, Kathie, will be on-hand to answer any questions you may have about this amazing species.
Where:Tucson Botanical gardens
Cost:FREE with regular admission costs
What:Father's Day Grill at Whole Foods Oracle- Burger, chips and drinks for only $5 there will be vegeterianand vegan options too! You can also purchase something from the meat department and they will grill it for ya.
When:11am-2pm SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Cost: $5
What:Swim Safe Saturday With drowning as the second leading cause of death and injury to children in Arizona, the Tucson Fire Department is hosting a swim safety event, to help educate the public about how to prevent childhood drowning.Alex the Ambulance (from Southwest Ambulance), and the National Guard 40 foot climbing wall will be on hand at this family oriented event. Eegees will have free eegee drinks, and there will be fire apparatus on display as well as various different vendors with information about swim safety. In addition to family events and information booths, there will be drawings for pool related items. For more information 520-791-4512 or
When:9am-1pm SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Tucson Old Pueblo Credit Union 9725 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson,
What:Jazz Under the Stars free wine and cheese plus jazz!
When:7-9pm SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Dove of Peace Lutheran Church- 665 W. Roller Coaster Road
Cost:Free- donations accepted
What: Wild West Stunt Show at Trail Dust Town
When:7pm, 8pm and 9pm showings SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Trail Dust Town 6541 E. Tanque Verde
Cost:FREE- donations accepted
When:7pm, 8pm and 9pm showings SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Trail Dust Town 6541 E. Tanque Verde
Cost:FREE- donations accepted
What:Storytime with Ronald McDonald Have a magical time
exploring Arizona’s Centennial with Ronald McDonald. We will celebrate
Arizona’s 100th birthday with a party of Magic, Music and all around
Fun. This is a must for children from 1 to 101 years of age, so arrive
early in order to get a good seat.
When: 1-2pm SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Southwest Library
When: 1-2pm SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Southwest Library
What:Guitar Hero Tournament Are
you 13 years of age or under? You could win up to $50 in store credit
in our Guitar Hero Tournament! We're bringing out a Ps2, dusting off
some guitars, and getting ready for a show down! Battle head to head for
the top prize, and show the world your mad guitar skills! Get here
early, as registration begins at 2PM, and there are limited spots
available. You MUST be registered to participate!
When:3-4pmSATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Bookmans Ina
Where:Bookmans Ina
What:smARTy Pants Looking at both Tucson Collects: Spirit of
the West and 100 Years 100 Ranchers exhibits, you will learn about all
the elements of a landscape. One you have inspired, venture over to the
Education Center where you will be abler to create your own landscape
paintings. smARTy Pants is a program especially for children
ages 3 - 4 years and an adult companion that meets on selected Saturday
mornings. Pre-registration is required. Please call 624-2333 or
register online.
When:10am SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Tucson Museum of Art 140 N. Main Ave., Tucson, AZ, United States,
Cost: $8 per child for members; $10 per child non-members; adults free
When:10am SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Tucson Museum of Art 140 N. Main Ave., Tucson, AZ, United States,
Cost: $8 per child for members; $10 per child non-members; adults free
What:Join us at the for a Dad Read-In with County Supervisor Ray Carroll and the Dune Garrison of the 501st Legion (Star Wars characters in full regale) reading aloud to share the love of reading. Your little Star Wars fan will love it, and so will your inner Star Wars fan. Bring a favorite book to read, and join us as we share the power of reading with our children even if you’re not Star Wars fans. There will be other activities and light munchies.
When:2-3:30pm SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:TMC Marshall Conference Center
What:Brave Activities at Disney Store Join Disney Store in-store activities as we celebrate the upcoming release of Brave in theaters June 22!*Minimum age for participation is 3 years. Event limited per session
based on store capacity. No lineups prior to 30 minutes before event
begins. Event subject to change or cancellation without notice. Call
store for more information.
When:Saturday, June 16, 23 & 30: 10:30am - 12:30pm
When:Saturday, June 16, 23 & 30: 10:30am - 12:30pm
Where:Disney Stores (Tucson Mall) Check your location
What:Decorate a Cake for Dad Decorate a fun cake all on your own to celebrate Dad at Bashas' Check to see if your location is participating $5
When:10am-2pm SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
What: Nunchaku Skills Workshop teaches participants various nunchaku techniques, spins and rotations. Foam nunchaku are provided for classroom use.
Use Nunchaku like a martial arts master.
This fun workshop teaches various nunchaku techniques, spins and
rotations. Increase your coordination, focus & body mechanics.
Foam nunchaku are provided.
When:3:30-4:30pm SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Wheeler Taft Library
What:Zoo to You Presented by Reid Park Zoo.Experience the wonder of the animal kingdom with live ambassadors from Reid Park Zoo. Discover what makes each animal special and how it survives in the wild. You may even have the opportunity to touch! Attendance is limited to 40 people.
When:11-12noon SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Miller Golf Links Library
What: Science Spectacular: Spin, Pop, Boom Spectacular science edu-tainment! You won't want to miss it.Space is limited. Please arrive early to ensure a set. We will give out free tickets to this event at 10:30 am
When:11-12noon SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Dusenberry River Library
What:Make and take a craft t-shirt or tie with purchase Ages 3 and up.
When:10-12noon SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Michael's Craft Stores
Cost:FREE with purchase
What:Harry Potter and the Obnoxious Voice: A Spoof Play
When:7pm SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Red Barn Theatre 948 N. Main Avenue
What:Bats of Arizona Presented by Colossal Cave Mountain Park.Learn about these most interesting mammals, particularly those found in Arizona. Hands-on examples and activities. Focusing on the diversity of bats in Arizona, and specifically those species present in Colossal Cave Mountain Park, this program discusses the physical variations, habitats and ecological and commercial importance of bats.
When:12noon-1pm SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Eckstrom Columbus
What:Altered Books Presented by Marge Pellegrino. Begin to alter a published book to make it your own. We’ll look at samples, chose from a variety of writing and visual prompts and begin to write/tear/sew/glue to create a book like no other. We’ll share to inspire!Hosted by Himmel's Teen Book Club.Space limited to 15 teens. First come first serve. Tickets will be distributed 1 hour before the program.
When:1-3pm SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Himmel Park Library
What:Science Saturday Join us every Saturday from 2-3pm during Summer Reading (June 02-July 21) for a free science program! This is a fun, interactive science-oriented program for all ages. With a different topic every week, you’re sure to find something you’ll love.
When:2-3pm SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Martha Cooper Library
Dungeons & Dragons Club Can't get enough fantasy? Try out our new Dungeons & Dragons
Club where you'll be able to create your own heroes, battle monsters,
and go on amazing adventures. Both beginners and experienced players
When:1-2pm SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Woods Memorial Library
What:Ecstatic Dance- Eugene will be leading the facilitation & DJing! I have had the
pleasure of attending Eugene's 5 Rhythm's dances and he is an amazing,
straight from the heart person, and his tunes ROCKED me! His voice is
the link that fuses the music with the movement in my body. ~Tes
Kids under 12 welcome & FREE
Kids under 12 welcome & FREE
When:7:30-8p...Facilitated Dance8:00-10p...Open Dance SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Rhythm Industry Performance Factory 1013 S. Tyndall Avenue (Near SE corner of 20th St. & Tyndall)
Cost: Cost- $7 Suggested Donation
What: Disney's Aladdin Jr. by Youth @ Performing Arts.
My family and I are very excited to go to this local production!
Aladdin Jr. looks like such a magical and entertaining journey through
the Arabian desert. The set is a magnificent marketplace that will
include a sculpted camel, and fabulous costumes! All of the Disney
characters will be in the stage adaptation of the film: Jasmine, the
Genie and Aladdin himself! To see all of the information and purchase
tickets ahead of time go HERE.
When: Shows are June 8, 9, 15 and 16 at 7:15pm
Where: Flowing Wells
Cost: Adults $10 Children $7 Reserved seating $12-$15 You can get 10% off your entire ticket purchase at the door when you say you saw it on Arizona Families!
What:Summer Saturday Evening~Nocturnal Desert Skies
Join us to learn about the desert's spectacular night skies and the Sonoran desert's amazing bats!Family Astronomy Fun All About Bats and Echolocation!
To see the entire schedule of events go HERE
When:4-9pm SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012
Where:Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum 2021 North Kinney Road
Cost:Discounted admission after 4pm of $7.00 ($3:00 for 6-12) Free 5 and under
SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2012
What:Native American Summer Solstice Celebration Drum Rhythms with Tony Redhouse community movement event
When:1-2:30pm SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2012
Where:The Yoga Connection 3929 E. Pima
Cost:Suggested donation $7
What:Endless Entree Father's Day Fondue Four course meal for Dad- A special selection of cheese fondues, free beer for a day and free gift for Dad. bottomless entree
When:11am-9pm SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2012
Where:Melting Pot- 7395 N La Choola
Cost:$37 per person- 3 course meal for kids $10 3 course meal for teens $17
What:Pima Air Museum Discount for Dads Dads can get in for $7 instead of $13- just let them know you are a daddy ;)
When:9am-4pm SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2012
Where:Pima Air and Space Museum 6000 East Valencia Road
Cost:Kids are $6 and 6 and under are FREE go HERE for more info.
What:Starry Night- An Evening for the Senses variety of dance styles and dancers. Each piece is based o an artist or painting created before the 21st century. More info call 406-2197
When:6-8pm SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2012
Where:Zuzi theatre 738 N 5th Ave.
What:Dads Bowl Free Dads get a free game with each paid kids game
When:9am-12 midnight SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2012
Where:Brunswick Camino Seco Bowl 114 South Camino Seco Tucson, AZ 85710520-298-2311
Cost:free for Dads
What:Science Sunday-Join the Tucson Botanical Gardens for hands-on fun as you discover the life cycle of the butterfly.Remember, it's $2 admission all day every Science Sunday this summer!
When:Museum hours:9am-5pm SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2012 Physics Favtory 12noon-3pm
Where:Children's Museum Tucson
What:Nossa Bossa Nova bring their Brazilian sounds to Bookmans on Grant! This is a free show for the enjoyment of our customers.
When:1-2:30pm SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2012
Where:Bookmans Ina
What:Join the Reid Park Zoological Society for its inaugural Father’s Day Wing Fest and watch Dad growl with excitement while he lets his wild side out! Sample wings from some of Tucson’s finest restaurants while Dad enjoys the opportunity to participate in power tool demonstrations, build wood crafts with the kids and visit up close with our Animal Ambassadors. Each Dad will have the opportunity to vote for his favorite wings and have the chance to win a deluxe door prize. For more information, please call 520-881-4753
When:7pm SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2012
When:7pm SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2012
Where:Reid park Zoo
Cost: $20 per adult, $15 per child (ages 2-12)
When:7pm, 8pm and 9pm showings SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2012
Where:Trail Dust Town 6541 E. Tanque Verde
Cost:FREE- donations accepted
great job as always :)