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Monday, July 2, 2012

The Golden Coupon is Back! 20% off 203 Local Arizona Business!

20% off at 203 Arizona businesses -Avondale, Sonoita, Mesa, Phoenix, Tempe, Tucson+MORE

This cool Local Arizona Business GOLDEN TICKET coupon is really a neat find!
I was very excited to print this once I found it!  
Here is the lowdown:
  • It is valid July 1- July 7, 2012
  • You can use it like a 20% off savings pass at each business listed HERE NOTE- Each business has specified the use of the coupon- some may be off only certain items or one tiem etc.
  • Not valid with any other offer

Some of my favorite Tucson businesses that are taking it are:

Antigone Books   

 CRIZMAC Art & Cultural Marketplace

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