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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Polar Express Party Saturday 12/15 at 1pm - Movie at 2pm- Win adult tickets!

 If you want to see the Polar Express on the BIG SCREEN at The Fox Theatre on December 15 at 2pm with a Lobby Party 1-2pm 
Comment before Wednesday at 12/12/12 at 12 midnight and I will give 2 readers 2 adult tickets to go!

Kids 12 and under free to the movie 
Leave a comment about your experience with the Fox Theatre...
Have you been there?  Do you go every year for certain events? 
2nd Saturdays?  Concerts?


  1. I have never been! We had a Fox Theater in Saint Louis, built in early 1900's it was amazing. White wrought iron designs, gold, and red velvet seats. It was gorgeous. I would love to take my kids. Thanks for giveaway

  2. I have never been this would be awesome for my son, sister and I to go.Christmas hasn't been the same this year. thanks for the giveaway.

  3. I haven't been to the Fox theater either. I moved here a year ago and I love all the fun things of Tucson!

  4. I Have Never Been Here. I Think My Daughter Would Love ThIs On The Big Screen.

  5. Just In Case My Email Is Not On My Profile, It's steeroper@Gmail.com . Thanks

  6. This is my sons' favorite movie of all time! I really hope that we win the tickets - sounds like a fun event!!!

  7. I've never been but would love to take my family.

  8. I have never been to the Fox even though I've lived here over 14 years! This event sounds really fun for my 4 year old daughter.

  9. My grandsons would love to see the movie on the big screen!!! What an awesome experience it would be for them to go to the Fox Theatre!! Hope we win the tickets!!! :)

  10. I have never been! Would love to see the inside!

  11. My boys would love this! I've never been to the theater-still learning about Tucson!

  12. I have never been there, but this is the right time to go. This would be great to win. Thank you.

  13. We have been by the Fox Theater during 2nd Saturdays and other downtown events but never inside. I would love to experience this with my twin boys. They love the movie and the book. :) Angela A.

  14. Comments #1 and #14 are the winners! CLOSED....
    I will be contacting you! please everybody else the tickets are only $5-$7 with a discount on the Arizona Families Facebook page - making them $6 and $4 pre-sale- Make sure to come out- The free entry raffle prizes are worth $700!

  15. I am comment number one. Sorry, I didn't post an email. I have a Blogger user, I thought it would have emailed me.

  16. I hope everybody that did not win can still come! Megan and Angela have both claimed their tickets. It is really an affordable warm and cozy event for the whole family!


We love hearing from our readers! If you are commenting for a giveaway, please leave your email or make sure we can access an email on your profile. Thanks!