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Monday, December 17, 2012

Winner- Tickets to the Tucson Symphony Orchestra The Magic of Christmas + Disount Offer

The winner of the pair of tickets to the Tucson Symphony Orchestra's show The Magic of Christmas on Sunday, December 23, 2012 at 2pm is....

#90      Corey Wade

If you are Corey and have not responded to my email or FB message- please contact me at arizonafamilies@hotmail.com

For all of you that have not won and would like to attend this amazing show there is a discount available for you!

Buy tickets HERE The Tucson Symphony Orchestra is pleased to offer Arizona Families fans special pricing for its Magic of Christmas concerts, 8 pm Dec. 22 and 2 pm Dec. 23. Singing Christmas carols along with a symphony orchestra is an amazing way to revel in the holiday spirit! Discounted adult tickets are A: $57, B: $48, C: $35 and D: $23; and for kids A: $32, B: $27, C: $20 and D: $13. Call Jim Purdy at (520) 620-9159 to order. Be sure to ask for the Arizona Families special.

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