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Sunday, April 21, 2013
Earth Day Festival Barefoot Books Booth and Fun Craft 4/21/13
What:Earth Day and Water Festival- Arizona Families Craft- make your own recycled butterfly or any creative creature you would like with BAREFOOT BOOKS ambassador Allison Diehl Re-purposed toilet paper roll, old magazines cut out for wings and designs with earth friendly markers...pipe cleaners for fun!
The event features environmentally themed exhibits, music, performances, and food vendors. Admission is free, and all exhibits include hands-on environmental activities for young and old alike. THE WATER FESTIVAL integrates art, science and culture to raise awareness and promote stewardship about our water future. It is the only large-scale water-focused community event in Pima County and is a prime opportunity to engage the public through diverse activities for learning, networking, family fun, and creative interactions with water. Featuring: exhibitors, speakers, workshops, performances, an art show, "The Vibe" Live Art Happenings, Design for Water Solutions Contest, 3-mi Walk for Water, and a mermaid in a wishing well. http://www.WaterFestivalTucson.orgWhen:9:00 a.m. and ends at 2:00!Where: Reid Park Cost:FREE
Join the Parade
All species great and small-insects, plants and animals-the Earth needs them all! Dress-up and participate in the “All Species Procession” as part of the Earth Day Parade! Make a banner and tell us how your species is so important to Planet Earth. Are you helping clean the air (trees and plants)? Are you an endangered or threatened species? The ice may be melting your home (global warming) or maybe there hasn’t been rain in a while so you are affected by drought or the threat of fire… let us know what we should do to help all species have a place on earth! Parade begins at 10:00 and winners are announced at 11:30.
After stopping by head to the Willy Wonka birthday party for a chill movie time info HERE
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