Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Spark the Floor Hip Hop Dance Xplosion Win Tickets!

Have you ever been to a Spark the Floor performance?  The high energy amazing dancing will blow you away!  The youth crews from Tucson and Phoenix will be poppin' and lockin' the night away at the Rialto!  Grab a friend, a date or your kids and see saw some talented Tucson youth!

Here is your chance to check out the Chispa Foundation's show.  Enter below to win 2 tickets to the April 27, 2013 show at 7:30pm- the Preshow is at 6:30pm  There wil be 2 winners.  Tell your friends and enter now for a fun-filled Saturday night! The form will load below :)

Mobile friendly giveaway link:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway sponsored by the Chispa Foundation.  

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