Thursday, May 2, 2013

Tucson Happenings, Tucson Family Events Friday May 3, 2013

What Family Farm Fridays Family friendly activities and a movie on the farm! When:2-6pm produce box pick-up, 4-6pm family activities at dusk- movie Where: Tucson Village Farm 4210 N Campbell Cost:FREE
What: Storytime at Agua Caliente Park- Awesome stories with a craft activity and ducks nearby!!! More info. HERE.  I frequent this activity with my children and we think it is bien padre (really cool)When:* Warmer weather time 10am-11am Where:Pima County Agua Caliente Park, 12325 E. Roger Road Cost: FREE
What:Preschool Storytime Designed for 3- to 5-year-olds and their parents or caregivers. Stories are longer than the Toddler Storytime and the activities are more complex. Children must be able to sit still for a longer period of time than during Toddler Storytime. Preschool Storytime is 30 to 45 minutes long.When:10:30-11 Where: Himmel Park Library AND Wilmot Library Cost:FREE
 What:Story Time at Bookmans! Each week we will read a few cool stories while we enjoy some delicious snacks and juice. After the stories, we'll have a fun craft including things like coloring, decorating our own t-shirts, and making book marks! Come join the fun!  Where:Bookmans GrantWhen:10am-11am Cost:FREE  
What:Storytunes, an hour long musical extravaganza for the kids! We'll play games, read stories and sing all kinds of fun songs!! The program tends to aim more towards toddlers, but all kids are welcome!When:10-11am  Where:Bookmans Ina Cost:FREE
What: Nature Nights: Bugs and Blacklights As the sun sets, the desert comes alive with a vast array of fascinating wildlife, many of which are insects. Some insects are attracted to light; we exploit this tendency to invite insects to our viewing site. Pima County naturalists will be on hand to help you identify and learn about these amazing six-legged creatures.  For more information call 615-7855 or Where: Tucson Mountain Park Ironwood Picnic Area, 1548 S. Kinney Rd. On Kinney 1.5 miles south of Gates Pass Road or 3.8 miles north of Ajo Way.Cost:FREE

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