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Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Free Admission to Children's Museum Tucson + Other Reduced/Free Admission in Tucson
You can check out a FREE Admission pass to the Children's Museum Tucson at the Main Library in Tucson! There are no holds, no waiting list, you just have to ask at Main Library Children's Desk in the morning to see if one is available. Essentially one is available every single morning. The one ticket admits 4 adults and 6 children.
For the summer families with children participating in summer reading can get all the following:
This year for summer reading, children set their own reading goals, so the prizes are organized as "Library Visits" instead of the number of reading hours. Reading goals for smaller children can be you reading to them or an older sibling so both get the reading time in!
The Reading Coupons are as follows:
At sign-up: The big calendar of events has coupons for the Arizona History Museum and for money off at Friends' book sales on page 15.
At Library Visit 2: The "Dig In the Desert" Activity Book has free or reduced admission tickets for the Desert Museum, Children's Museum Tucson, the Mini-Time Machine Museum, Tucson Botanical Gardens, the Arizona State Museum, Colossal Cave, Postal History Foundation, Tohono Chul. and the Biosphere, PLUS activities that can be done at home.
At Library Visit 3: We are giving out a free ticket for the Zoo as the "Third Visit" prize for children's summer reading.
At Library Visit 4: Ticket to Breakers Water Park.
More info: http://www.library.pima.gov/srp/2013/
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