Friday, June 7, 2013

FREE Tote at Rubio's for World Oceans Day 6/7-6/8, 2013

Each year on June 8, communities around the globe celebrate World Oceans Day. This is an opportunity to learn about our oceans, to raise awareness about the crucial role the ocean plays in our lives, and understand the important ways people can help to protect our shared world ocean.
At Rubio's, we have a passion for a healthy ocean and do what we can year-round to be a friend to the ocean. Over the last four years, Rubio's has joined in the World Oceans Day celebration by giving away over 30,000 free reusable tote bags to help reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in our oceans. Also, a majority of the seafood we serve is prepared using sustainable seafood. Click here to learn more about what Rubio's does to be a friend of the ocean.

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