Thursday, June 6, 2013

Throwback Thursday- A Day in the Life of this Tucsonense 2012

I consider myself a Tusconan, Tucsonense to the core.  I lived here as a baby and  spent many Spring vacations here with my grandparents as a child. I fell in love at a very young age with the majestic beauty of the desert and moved back here to stay when I was 14.  I graduated from Sabino H.S and went on to graduate from the UofA- gatos salvajes! I have lived and worked here for  over 20 years, yet I can always find something new and fun to do as a family.

 Our town offers so many wonderful happenings and hangouts.  I want to share one day of adventures here.

We went to the Musuem of Art- Family Days- Picture This!  A brief tour through the current exhibit of 100 years 100 Ranchers: Photographs by Scott T. Baxter and a storytelling activity for the kiddos.  We then moved to the Educational Building where the entire family had the opportunity to work on an art project. There was a live Cowboy posing for us to try pencil or charcoal drawings!  Fun and dirty LOL  These happen every 1st Sunday with free admission and I always list them on Tucson Happenings.

We then went to Empire Pizza on Congress.  Another first for us. The pizza was great!  Cheesecake was heavenly. I also appreciated the $1 lemonades and sodas with free refills. I guess that Empire has decided that marking drinks up 300% isn't really that cool.  The cheesecake was also out of this world.  It was a hot day so we sat inside at the bar- it was actually fun for the kids with the music.  In the evening or during our "Summer Lite"  season from October to April, I would probably opt for the patio :)

On the way home we went to check out Limberlost Park- a lovely gem of a jungle gym there!  Will definitely be making some trips there in the future.
Finally, we ended up at Rillito Bridge to watch the bats fly out at dusk -around 7:40pm as we ate some yummy fruit juice paletas from Trader Joe's. 

What is something you have done lately with your family in Tucson?

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