Valley Youth Theatre
Peter Pan
At the Herberger Theater Center
The favorite topics after the show were the flying, the pirates, and surprisingly, the Indians. There were many children in the production, which helps keep your own kids engaged and interested. The stage props and pit orchestra were great. It is an intimate theater for the downtown area, I was surprised there was room for the orchestra. This intimacy creates a great space for connecting the audience to the production. There didn't appear to be a bad seat in the house.
The Valley Youth Theatre does their first and last shows of the year at the Herberger. We loved watching the show here. This year was their 25th anniversary, so they are a well-established company. The cast was made up of children from different schools throughout the valley ranging from 2nd grade to recently graduated. They do offer 3 different options for summer camp this year, between $325 and $600. Check them out on VYT.COM
I had never been to the Herberger before. In ten years of living here, I have often heard of the venue and even thought I had been there. Being our first time, we made some mistakes. First of all, we bought parking vouchers for $3 from a link on the theater website. I do recommend this, because the Arizona Center Garage was only about a block away. However, you need to be parked and in the garage at least a good half hour before the show starts so that you have time to walk past all the shops and flowers, get your tickets, and get seated before the curtain goes up. We also underestimated the length of the show- of course you know with children it is very important to figure in hunger, bathroom, and fatigue when you plan your outings. It is important to check the show times before you go. Next time, I think we would catch a meal downtown before the afternoon show, instead of after.
The Arizona Center Garage website did offer coupons and deals for the restaurants there and you should absolutely give them a look before you go.
Overall, the venue was lovely. The production was a class act, and the Arizona Center is a great place to goof off and play around with the kids when you are looking for fun in Arizona.
Get your tickets HERE and there is performance at 2pm ON june 15th- Father's Day!
Please see my disclosure policy HERE
Shanda Reeb, Phoenix Contributor
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