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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

UA Fusion Camp Winner!

The winner of the UA Fusion Explorizona Camp is... Tiffany 

 Ua Fusion still has room in the following two camps!

July 7-11: Explorizona (12 spots left K-1)
July 14-18: Underground, Underwater (5 spots left K-1, 2 spots left 4-6)
For more detailed camp descriptions, click here
Booking Information: To register for camp, first review the weekly camp themes. Once you've chosen your camp classes, click the 'Register Now' button below and you will be taken to a secure registration page. Choose the camp that your are interested in from the list of products and a calendar will appear. Click forward to the date of your camp, click on the green square, and follow the instructions from there. You can sign up for multiple children and camps in a single transaction by clicking 'continue shopping' after each week added. If you have any difficulties, please call Rosie at 621-4516 or email rmankel@email.arizona.edu.
Camp Hours: 9:00am-4:00pm. 
Early drop off: 7:30am-9:00am ($6 per day or $26 per week)
Late pick up: 4:00pm-6:00pm ($8 per day or $35 per week)
Food: Campers should bring their own lunch with a cooler pack inside. On Fridays, there will be an option to purchase a pizza lunch for an additional fee. We will provide an afternoon snack daily. Campers with dietary concerns should consider bringing their own snacks.
Cost: Each week of camp costs $225 with the exception of the week of July 4th, which will cost $180 because it is a four day week.
Discounts:  Flandrau members receive a 10% discount on all weeks of camp. If you're not already a member, you will have the option to purchase a family membership when you register. There are no discounts available in week 5 (July 4th week) because of the shortened camp schedule and reduced price for the week. Discounts apply to the camp tuition only and are not applied to extended care.
Physical and Outdoor Activities: Each camp will swim two days per week for one hour in the Campus Recreation pool. We will also spend one hour, two days per week, in an air conditioned gym in the Gittings building near Flandrau doing a variety of sports and other physical activities. We will walk to a variety of locations on campus, and some camps will include off-campus field trips. We will also have outdoor activities on the grassy mall just in front of Flandrau.

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