Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Halloween Clearance 30-75% Off CVS, Target and Walgreens

CVS in Tucson

The Halloween clearance I have found at CVS, Target and Walgreens has been 30-75% off. As with all clearance your selection and even percentage off will vary from store to store. :)
  Let me know what you find.

CVS- I found 50% off everything 

CVS in Tucson

CVS in Tucson- Oh my those creepy clowns!

CVS in Tucson
Target 30% off food and 70% off everything else.  
Target in Tucson

Target in Tucson

Walgreens had 50-75% off everything- one store 50% off food items 75% off everything else another store 75% off all

Walgreens Tucson

Walgreens Tucson

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