Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Phantom of The Opera in Tucson through November 1

The Phantom of the Opera runs  October 21-November 1st  at Centennial Hall at the University of Arizona.Visit Broadway in Tucson for tickets and more information HERE.

Photo Credit - Arizona Families -Brittany Butler

I saw the Friday night performance and the first thing that hit me was the set. It was absolutely spectacular! The costumes were gorgeous with use of color and layers in even the simplest of them. 

Photo credit
There were changes from the original production and some that I miss, but all in all, I was definitely impressed by the new additions. The stand out performance of the night went to Jacquelynne Fontaine who played Carlotta. She made the role seem so effortless and was a perfect Prima Donna. 

Photo credit
Tucsonan, Quinto Ott was great to see as Don Attilio.
 See my interview with him HERE. Some actors stood out more than others, the effort of the whole made for a wonderful performance. One thing that bothered me was the balance of sound. Whether this is because of the age of the space or due to some other technical difficulty, it was hard to hear some of the actors when the orchestra was playing under them. Knowing the show, I knew what was being said or sung, but for the first time theatre goer, it’s unfortunate to miss those crucial nuances. 

Andrew Lloyd Webber’s stunning score truly embodies the story of The Phantom of the Opera. Gaston Leroux wrote the original book upon which the musical is based and I feel that the music enhances the book’s imagery and details. I highly recommend the book and the soundtrack.
To see more about this amazing traveling tour go HERE

Is this show appropriate for all ages? : I would say 8 and up – possibly even age 10. There are some themes that are not appropriate for younger theatre goers. This is NOT Annie. There are surprising yet also possibly frightening scenes that involve hangings. Also, this performance does use smoke and pyrotechnics if you are sensitive to those effects being used.

I highly recommend seeing The Phantom of the Opera at least once in your life. It is a spectacular show with a beautiful story about love and seeing beyond physical appearance. There is also a sequel to the musical called Love Never Dies that follows Christine and the Phantom 10 years following the end of the original musical. If you fall in love with this musical, which I’m sure you will, I encourage you to watch the sequel. It has been recorded and is available on Netflix and for purchase, along with the soundtrack.

Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you all and I hope you enjoy the show! 

Arizona Families contributor and Owner of More to the Story Entertainment and The Brittany Butler Voice and Acting Studio

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