Saturday, April 30, 2016

Children's Day Events Tucson El dia del niño 4/30/16

El dia del niño or Children's Day is a fun celebration of children all around the world and Tucson has some great events planned for today!
Also check out Arizona Families daily GOOGLE calendar for all family events each and every day in TUCSON HERE

Make sure to check them out and let them know you saw them on the best resource for families - Arizona Families Blog!

Arizona Bilingual and Children;s Museum Tucson team up for a great day including free admission at the Museum 4/30/16!
More info HERE

Children's Day Storytime at Himmel  Library
Have you every wanted to write your own story? Here is your chance!
We're celebrating Dia de los Ninos/Libros with a community DIY story event! Come into Himmel Park Library during our Family Storytime (10:30-11:00) AND throughout the day, to help us write a story. It will begin with, "Once upon a time..." and the rest is up to YOU! Everyone is welcome to add a sentence or two. It takes a village to write a good story!Our Children's Librarian will take the finished story and type it up, for those of you who would like a copy.

Golf N' Stuff 1st 100 Niños play free! Raffles and more 10am-12noon.

Food City has celebrations going on for Children's Day too. All Food City locations look like they will be having something for the kiddos but in Tucson The one on Irvington and Campbell will be hosting a health fest too!

And tomorrow 5/1/16 below

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