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Saturday, April 23, 2016
Tucson Parks and Recreation’s Activity Guide Summer 2016
Tucson Parks and Recreation’s Activity Guide for summer 2016 has arrived and copies are available for pick up at any Parks and Recreation center, pool, or administration office. Copies also will be available at local libraries or can be viewed online at: www.tucsonaz.gov/parks.
The Activity Guide contains complete information on leisure classes, swim lessons, summer KIDCO, aquatics, track and field events, sports camps, registration, and the Discount Program. To register, visit www.ezeereg.com. Timely registration is recommended, since summer offerings fill up quickly.
Please see the Activity Guide for registration information and deadlines.
City residents:
* Saturday, April 23 at 6 a.m. – In-Betweener’s Club and KIDCO
* Saturday, April 23 at 9 a.m. - Leisure classes, Sports Camps, and Learn-to-Swim Lessons/Aquatics
* Monday, April 25 at 9 a.m. – Gymnastics Camps, Therapeutic Recreation Programs and Adaptive Aquatics classes
Non-City residents:
* Monday, April 25 at 9 a.m. for all offerings
For questions or more information on registration or programs, contact Registration Services at 791-4877.
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