Friday, July 8, 2016

How To SEE A Facebook Page In Your Feed

I wanted to share with you guys today a simple way to see more from Facebook pages you love!  I hope that my blog Arizona Families HERE with local, travel and family fun is one of those pages but you can do this for EVERY page you want to see more of. 

It should be your choice, right? Well, it can be a little tricky and I am showing you the easiest ways of how to see a Facebook page in your feed here:

1. From a page that you have already LIKED you hover your mouse over the LIKED and watch for a drop down option You want to choose SEE FIRST and notifications ALL ON

2. This is where Facebook makes you dig even deeper - you must then hover over the EDIT PENCIL ICON and choose ALL- even Facebook Live Video which I love doing- especially on our travel adventures. If you want to be shown or notified these 2 things should help A LOT and it is still always your choice to interact with reactions. likes, comments or to click any further.

Let me know if this helps you see more of the Facebook Pages you love and remember interacting with the pages also helps boost your views and it is more likely that Facebook will show you posts. 

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