Thursday, July 21, 2016

My Nutrisystem Journey Begins Now

I was given the Nutrisystem Program for 3 months in exchange for my review and posts but like always the opinions and posts are all my own.

I am so excited to begin my Nutrisystem weight loss journey!  I have been very overweight on and off for a long time but haven't been able to lose very week since having children. My first beautiful baby was born10 years ago, so there is no excuse for baby weight any more when you have a tween in the house.

I like to exercise but I also snack on foods that my kids and hubby eat- which I should not be eating. Refried beans with lard on flour tortillas are not exactly going to help me lose the inches. Sometimes, I might just finish the mac and cheese too. 

As a busy mom and teacher, finding healthy options on the go isn't always easy. After receiving my fist shipment of Nutrisystem Turbo TakeOff that looks like it will no longer be a problem. Easy packaged on the go items to take with me are making this super easy. 

I also love that I will be adding fresh vegetables and fruit along the way so I can easily incorporate those items into my family's meals. There are recipes to make steamed vegetables tasty with condiments and I will be using my weekly produce price match list HERE to shop for those additional fresh and nutritious items.

Follow along with me on my progress weekly as my goal is to be healthier than when I started; whether that be pounds, inches, energy or hopefully all 3. I am starting at a weight of 226 and will let you know every week where I am at.


  1. Good luck. Stay strong. You can do this.

  2. Thank you!!! None of it is easy but I am excited!!! - Christina

  3. Wonderful! Thank you for sharing your journey with us all


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