Tuesday, October 4, 2016

FREE Admission to the Halloween Trail Dust Town Stunt Show {Pinnacle Peak Pistoleros}

FREE Admission to the Halloween Trail Dust Town Stunt Show {Pinnacle Peak Pistoleros}

Arizona Families readers will receive free admission to the Halloween Trail Dust Town Stunt Show every Wednesday night for the month of October. Starts tomorrow 10/5/16! 

Use the secret password of "silver bullets, my only weakness, how did you know?" and you will get one adult and one child in for free.  

The Halloween Show, "Sam & Latch's Hairy Halloween" runs Wednesday-Sunday at 7:00 and 8:00pm through (and including) Monday, October 31st. Admission is $5 per person (3 & under free). The normal show, "Outlaws Outta Gold" still plays every Monday and Tuesday at 7:00 and 8:00pm.  

These shows are rated PG for loud noises, cowboy style fight scenes, the occasional flying debris...and a bit of a scary element with the wolf man in the Halloween Show.

My kids love every one we have ever seen- so close to home and so much fun!

1 comment:

  1. Great post actually. I want to share this post to everyone. Thank you very much.
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