Thursday, October 7, 2010

How to pay for Christmas & Vacations

First thing is I recommend opening an account that is designated only for vacation/Christmas funds, that way you know you won't touch it. 

There are various ways that I save for Christmas and Vacations:
  1. I signed up for various survey companies and I take surveys that are emailed to me.  When I cash out my accounts, I take the checks and put them into my separate account. See different survey companies that I use below
  2. I do product rebates and put all the checks that i get mailed to me in my separate account
  3. I put all of my birthday/Christmas monetary gifts into my separate account
  4. I only use cash to pay for everyday expenses.  I use the envelope method to designate what $ is for what (ex: groceries, gas, kids, me).  Since I use cash, I accumulate a lot of change.  I put all of the change into the separate account.
  5. I use the company My Points and do the click through emails to gain points.  You can also use My Points to purchase things online and get points for those purchases (although I usually use Ebates, see below).  You can then request gift cards for points.  I use the gift cards to purchase Christmas presents. 
  6. I use Ebates to purchase items online, because they send you a percentage of that purchase back in a check.  I then put that check into the separate account.
  7. Also, consider using credit cards that give you cash back.  I have one that I use for large purchases (car repairs, dentist/doctor appointments, etc) and the cash back adds up through the year.  I use the BankAmericard Cash Rewards™ Visa Signature® Card
  8. I forgot to add Swagbucks to the list (Thanks Vicki!) .  I haven't cashed out my account with them, but they have a great toolbar that just by using it for searches, you earn "bucks".  That's all do for Swagbucks, but there are various ways to earn bucks.
Ok, back to the surveys I use various companies and do about 2 suveys a day from all the companies that I use.  You can get overwhelmed by the amount of emails you may get, so if you've never done surveys before, start slow.  Pick one or two companies and stick with them.  Here are a few that I use and that I recommend:

  • Synovate: This may be your last chance to join Synovate, a leading global provider of market research information and analysis with over 60 years of experience. Synovate provides its panelists with a voice to be heard by some of the largest companies in the world.
    You Can Make A Difference
    • Help companies improve everyday services, products, and household items
    • Be the first to test new consumer goods
    • Help design new products before they appear on store shelves nationwide
  • Pinecone Research (not currently accepting applicants...will let you know when it opens up)

Although the economy is horrible, there are lots of ways to cut corners and with a little time, put a little extra money in your pocket without feeling the hit to your pocket book.  Remember to include your kids on how you are saving.  I have the kids help me roll the coins and we take them to the bank together.  They know that the change helps us pay for our summer vacation, so they feel like they are doing their part in the saving! 

Happy Savings!


  1. I've earned 10 $5.00 amazon gift cards from Swagbucks since January, that and my pinecone research money from Aug paid for Addie's American Girl Mini doll for XMAS (KAYA) and several books that Dave wanted to read plus my dictionary for ASL class. It's a great way to earn stuff.

  2. I totally forgot about swagbucks! Probably because I haven't cashed them out yet! I have a swagbucks link on the sidebar.


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