Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tucson - Family Friendly Weekend Events (Oct. 7-10)

Thursday, October 7th:

Flandrau Laser Light show (All Ages)

When: Thursday nights from 6pm to 9pm:

Where:  Flandrau: The University of Arizona Science Center
               1601 E. University Blvd.Tucson, AZ 85719
* At 7 p.m., kids and adults will enjoy learning the stories behind the constellations with our fun and animated “Legends of the Night Sky” show in the planetarium.

* The show is immediately followed by a brief, interactive star projector demonstration of how to find the constellations in Tucson’s night skies.

* At 8 p.m., lean back and escape into a medley of music in a family-friendly laser light show.

Best of all, you’ll save $2.50 per person off the regular laser show admission prices!

Adults: $7.50
Children (4 to 15 years old): $5
Cat Card or Arizona college students: $5


Friday, October 8th:


Pima County Library Calendar of Events HERE


Bookmans 10:00 am
 Ina -Story Tunes
 Grant-Tunes for Tots
 Speedway-Story time

Free Days! - Wildlife Rehabilitation of Northwest Tucson

When:  Friday, Oct 8, 2010
Where:  Tohono Chul Park (map)
                  7366 N. Paseo del Norte
                  Tucson, AZ 85704
                  (520) 742-6455
What: FREE admission to the park with one of the suggested donated items: Wild bird seed Dry baby cereal Strained baby vegetables Canned cat and/or kitten food (ground, no chunks/pieces) Dried cat/kitten and dog food Heating pad Laundry detergent and bleach Cleaning supplies (mops, buckets, sponges, brushes) White paper towels
When: Friday, Oct.8th at 10am
What:  Reptile Ramble--
Hungry reptiles are again on the prowl for food and mates at Tohono Chul Park. Join the Park as we embrace the warmer weather – and introduce those whose cold blood depends on it – REPTILES. Reptile Ramble starts again on August 7 and continues each Friday through the end of October, at the Overlook.
In this program, which will fascinate adults and children alike, presenters unveil captive reptiles, mostly snakes, inviting the brave in each crowd an opportunity to touch, if they dare. The presentation teaches the essentials in understanding reptiles — how do they move?; how do they eat?; where do they live? Reptile skeletons, skulls, and sheds will also be available for viewing and touching. During the second part of the Ramble the group strolls over to the Parks’ tortoise enclosure and along the way looks for lizards, teaching how to tell the difference between species. The Park is home to many; ornate tree lizards, western banded geckos, regal horned lizards, gila monsters and zebra tailed lizards to name a few. Come see who you can uncover, identify and intermingle with at this corner desert oasis.



Nature Stories at Agua Caliente Park 

When: Fri., Oct. 8 from 10am to 11am
               12325 E. Roger Road.
               Tucson, Arizona

What: A story-reading and craft activity
Call 615-7855, or e-mail for more information.

When: Friday from 11am - 10pm

Where: Various locations in Downtown Tucson

What: FREE Family Event

The year’s most beloved and largest celebration of the multi-national Arizona-Sonora Region’s folk and ethnic communities promises to be better than ever. Hundreds of performers, food vendors, folk artists, marketplace vendors, special events and more will converge in an expanded Downtown Tucson showcase area over the three-day, free Festival, which last year attracted 75,000

For more information check out the website:

To see the schedule go HERE


Patagonia Fall Festival (FREE)

When: Friday, Oct. 8th from 11am to 6pm

Where: Patagonia Town Park
              (Patagonia Town Park is located on Arizona’s Scenic route 82 between Sonoita and Nogales, approximately one hour from Tucson and three hours from Phoenix) 
What:  Arts, crafts, entertainment, food, information booths


Flandrau Laser Light show (more appropriate for teens and up)

Where:  Flandrau: The University of Arizona Science Center
               1601 E. University Blvd.Tucson, AZ 85719

Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon (43min in length)
Showtimes: Friday at 5:30 and 9 p.m.
Led Zeppelin -Classic Hits (52 min. in length)
Showtime: Friday at 10 p.m.
Electronica (50 min. in length)
Showtime: Friday at 11 p.m.

Cost: Adults $10
         Kids (4-15) and college students $7.50

For tickets and more informationg go HERE or call 621-STAR (4516)


U of A Beardown

When: Friday October 8th from 5-7pm
Where:  On University Blvd. , Tucson

What: Live music pep rally w cheerleaders and mascots Jr. Cats Zone with Inflatable and pony carousel
Free parking in Tyndall Garage after 4pm
Call 622-8613 or go to for more info.


A Night With The Stars
When: Friday, Oct 8th from 7pm to 9pm
Where: Tucson Mountain Park Ironwood Picnic Area, 1548 S. Kinney Road
1.5 miles south of Gates Pass Road or 3.8 miles north of Ajo Way.
What: Join us for an evening with the stars, planets, and other night sky features. Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association volunteers will provide an introduction to the night sky and will have telescopes set up for celestial viewing. Bring your flashlight and a lawn chair. Reservations required.      
Cost/Age: free, all ages welcome
For more information contact: 520-615-7855  or
Reservations required.
Saturday, October 9th:


Pima County Library Calendar of Events HERE

When: Saturday from 9am to 2pm

Where: Reid Park Zoo, 1100 S, Randolph Way, Tucson

What: TUSD Festival of Schools will have booths throughout the zoo.  Enjoy Free admission to the park and check out your local schools


3rd Annual Day for Play Event at Case Park

When: Saturday from 10am- 12pm
Where: Case Park,   9851 E. Kenyon Dr.- East side Tucson
What:  Come and enjoy the following events:

Kid and bike wash, Water balloon games, Frozen tee shirt contest, Playground in a Box will be there for imaginary play, sandcastle contest, chalk play, hopscotch throughout the park, Grass games with prizes, Raffles, food for purchase (proceeds go to garden maintenance), Water harvesting structure will make it's debut with a youth docent to demonstrate and teach water harvesting techniques.    

Note: It is suggested to bring suits and a towel for the kid/bike wash or bring a change of clothes. And don't forget your bike!


Michael's The Knack Family Event

When: Saturday from 10am- 2pm
Where: Michael's Everywhere
What:  The Great Pumpkin Event. Bring the whole family to craft your own pumpkin. You must purchase your own craft pumpkin, but materials are provided. While supplies last


Sonoran kids club

When: Saturday, Oct. 9th at 9:30am
             12325 E. Roger Road.
             Tucson, Arizona
NatureDiscovery Tools
Explore the diversity of wildlife at Agua Caliente Park through activities and tools included in the nature packs. Each club member will receive a discovery guide with tips for more outdoor excursions in Pima County parks.

The Sonoran Desert Kids Club is free program open to kids ages 8-12. Joining the Sonoran Desert Kids Club is a great way to spend time outdoors, make new friends and learn while doing fun activities with kids your own age.
Each month, Sonoran Desert Kids Club members are invited to the special “SD Kids only” events at Agua Caliente Park. Parents are asked to pre-register their SD Kids so the program leaders will know how many to expect for each event. The SD Kids Club meets from 9:30 a.m. to noon on the second Saturday of each month. SD Kids should come prepared for outdoor fun, science exploration, wild games and nature crafts. Please dress appropriately and bring water and snacks.
Get out and explore with the Sonoran Desert Kids Club!

Reservations are required.  For this Saturday's Event  Call 615-7855, or e-mail

For more information and to become a member go HERE.


Art with Nina (FREE)

When: Saturday, October 9th from 11:30am to 1:30pm
Where: Tucson Mall, near the play area
               4500 N. Oracle Road
               Tucson, Arizona 85705
               (520) 293-7330

What: Mask Making Event

Classic Car Show (FREE)
When: Saturday, October 9th from 7pm-10pm 
Where: Little Anthony's Diner
                  7010 E. Broadway, Tucson
What:  Fun for the whole family. Come and check out some classic cars!
Bring the kids and enjoy some classic fun! Jumping castle, bubble blowing contest, bunny hop, and hoola hoopin'!

Buckelew Farm's Pumpkin Festival CANCELLED DUE TO MUD

When: Saturday, Oct 9th (Gate opens at 10:00am)  NEXT WEEKEND
Where: Buckelew Farm,
                  17000 W. Ajo Way
                  Three Points, AZ 85735

What: A $4.00 per person admission price (children in diapers are free) will include your tractor-drawn wagon rides to and from the pumpkin patch. The tractor will pull your wagon into the field where you can search for the perfect pumpkin ($0.45/lb). 

Additional festivities of the day include the challenge of our 11-acre corn maze, browsing through the arts & crafts tent, festival games, feeding the animals at the 4-H petting zoo and the pedal cart race track. After working up a hearty appetite you will be able to satisfy that hunger with a wide variety of food items including hamburgers, corn on-the-cob, Indian Fry Bread and homemade pumpkin pie.

They also have Terror in the Corn for ages 12 and up.  If interested in reading about that, check out their website:


Apple Annie's Fall Pumpkin Celebration

When: Saturday, Oct. 9th from 8:30am to 5:30pm
Where: Apple Annie's Orchard
                  6405 W. Williams Rd
                  Willcox, AZ 85643
                  (520) 384-4685

What:  Enjoy old-fashioned family fun picking your own pumpkins and fall vegetables. Pumpkins of all sizes, shapes and colors will be available for picking in our huge pumpkin patch. $3/person fee includes hayride to the pumpkin patch and children’s play area; children 2 and under are free. We-pick pumpkins will be available at the pumpkin stand.

Don’t miss Arizona’s newest and largest, absolutely amazing CORN MAZE; with 3 levels of difficulty it’s perfect for the entire family! Tons of fun for the whole family!

CORN MAZEAdult – $7
(3-11 years) – $5
2 and under – Free

(3-11 years) – $7
2 and under – Free

Come early and enjoy a delicious “All-You-Can-Eat” pancake breakfast served from 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM, or partake in the Apple Smoked Burger lunch served from 11 AM – 4 PM; both meals are served from the Burger Barn at our orchard location. You can also grab a bite to eat at the New Snack Shack at the Produce & Pumpkins location. Don’t forget to bring your camera and a jacket, fall days can be quite cool there in Willcox!

When: Saturday from 11am - 10pm
Where: Various locations in Downtown Tucson
What: FREE Family Event

The year’s most beloved and largest celebration of the multi-national Arizona-Sonora Region’s folk and ethnic communities promises to be better than ever. Hundreds of performers, food vendors, folk artists, marketplace vendors, special events and more will converge in an expanded Downtown Tucson showcase area over the three-day, free Festival, which last year attracted 75,000

For more information check out the website:

To see the schedule go HERE



Oktoberfest on Mt. Lemmon
When: Saturday, Oct. 9th from 12pm-5pm
Where: 10300 Ski Run Rd
$4 parking
call 520-576-1400 for more information

Kids Create - (with paid admission to the museum)

When: Saturday from 1pm - 2pm
Where: The Mini Time Machine Museum, 4455 E. Camp Lowell, Tucson, AZ

What:  The following is with paid admission to the museum: Potions & Notions - Create a mini witches spell book


Patagonia Fall Festival (FREE)

When: Saturday, Oct. 9th from 10am to 6pm
Where: Patagonia Town Park (Located on Arizona's Scenic Route 82 between Sonoita and Nogales, approximately one hour from Tucson and three hours from Phoenix)

What:  Arts, crafts, entertainment, food, information booths


Flandrau Laser Light show (more appropriate for teens and up)

Where:  Flandrau: The University of Arizona Science Center
                  1601 E. University Blvd.Tucson, AZ 85719

Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon (43min in length)
Showtimes: Saturday at 9 p.m.
Led Zeppelin -Classic Hits (52 min. in length)
Showtime:  Saturday at 5:30p.m. and 10 p.m.
Electronica (50 min. in length)
Showtime: Saturday at 11 p.m.

Cost: Adults $10
         Kids (4-15) and college students $7.50

For tickets and more informationg go HERE or call 621-STAR (4516)

Sunday, October 10th:

Buckelew Farm's Pumpkin Festival CANCELLED DUE TO MUD

When: Sunday, Oct 10th (Gate opens at 10:00am) NEXT WEEKEND

Where: Buckelew Farm
                  17000 W. Ajo Way
                  Three Points, AZ 85735

What: A $4.00 per person admission price (children in diapers are free) will include your tractor-drawn wagon rides to and from the pumpkin patch. The tractor will pull your wagon into the field where you can search for the perfect pumpkin ($0.45/lb). 

Additional festivities of the day include the challenge of our 11-acre corn maze, browsing through the arts & crafts tent, festival games, feeding the animals at the 4-H petting zoo and the pedal cart race track. After working up a hearty appetite you will be able to satisfy that hunger with a wide variety of food items including hamburgers, corn on-the-cob, Indian Fry Bread and homemade pumpkin pie.

They also have Terror in the Corn for ages 12 and up.  If interested in reading about that, check out their website:


Apple Annie's Fall Pumpkin Celebration

When: Sunday, Oct. 10th from 8:30am to 5:30pm
Where: Apple Annie's Orchard
                  6405 W. Williams Rd
                  Willcox, AZ 85643
                   (520) 384-4685

What:  Enjoy old-fashioned family fun picking your own pumpkins and fall vegetables. Pumpkins of all sizes, shapes and colors will be available for picking in our huge pumpkin patch. $3/person fee includes hayride to the pumpkin patch and children’s play area; children 2 and under are free. We-pick pumpkins will be available at the pumpkin stand.

Don’t miss Arizona’s newest and largest, absolutely amazing CORN MAZE; with 3 levels of difficulty it’s perfect for the entire family! Tons of fun for the whole family!

CORN MAZEAdult – $7
(3-11 years) – $5
2 and under – Free

(3-11 years) – $7
2 and under – Free

Come early and enjoy a delicious “All-You-Can-Eat” pancake breakfast served from 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM, or partake in the Apple Smoked Burger lunch served from 11 AM – 4 PM; both meals are served from the Burger Barn at our orchard location. You can also grab a bite to eat at the New Snack Shack at the Produce & Pumpkins location. Don’t forget to bring your camera and a jacket, fall days can be quite cool there in Willcox!

When: Sunday from 11am - 4pm
Where: Various locations in Downtown Tucson
What: FREE Family Event

The year’s most beloved and largest celebration of the multi-national Arizona-Sonora Region’s folk and ethnic communities promises to be better than ever. Hundreds of performers, food vendors, folk artists, marketplace vendors, special events and more will converge in an expanded Downtown Tucson showcase area over the three-day, free Festival, which last year attracted 75,000

For more information check out the website:

To see the schedule go HERE

Gadsden Toy Train Museum FREE Admission Days

When: Sunday, Oct. 10th from 12:30 to 4:30pm
Where: 3975 North Miller Avenue
                 Tucson, AZ 85705
                 (520) 888-2222


Oktoberfest on Mt. Lemmon

When: Sunday, Oct. 10th from 12pm-5pm
Where: 10300 Ski Run Rd
$4 parking
call 520-576-1400  for more information


Patagonia Fall Festival (FREE)

When: Sunday, Oct. 10th from 10 am to 6pm
Where: Patagonia Town Park (Located on Arizona's Scenic Route 82 between Sonoita and Nogales, approximately one hour from Tucson and three hours from Phoenix)

What:  Arts, crafts, entertainment, food, information booths



  1. Supposdily Buckelew farms is not openeing this weekend, so if you plan on heading out there, verify first. SOmething about the fields being way to muddy right now

  2. I will call in the morning to find out for sure, thanks for the heads up!


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