I want to start by saying, I shop the deals late in the week...mainly due to my work and kids schedules and sometimes even Saturday night because my CVS (on Tanque Verde and Bear Canyon) has the previous weeks sales still going and the new weeks up and running!
Anyhow, if interested in scoring most of these deals you will have to go in today/tonight but I had to share :) I'm out the door to the TSO for kids see post HERE and will post Fry's trip later.
(4) Softsoap base refills $1.99
Use $2 peeilies found on them!
Final: .01c overage
(1) Dawn Hand Renewal Dish soap .96c
Use $1 off coupon from the Right at Home booklet
or Use .25c off from PG 9/26
Final: .04c overage or .71c
(3) Multi-flavor Rice Krispie treats on clearance for $3.49
Use $1/2 coupon from RP 8/15
Final: Varies depends if your store has them on clearance and how many boxes available
mine were $3.15
(1) Viologie hair conditioner on clearance for .99c (75% off)
no coupons thought I would try it for .99c
This store had them in the regular aisle and a few different kinds of conditioner and shampoo
Final: .99c
(1) Little box of Toy Story candy on clearance for .49c
no coupons
Final: .49c
(1) 8 pack of Bounty Basic paper towels $5.96
Use $1 off any from PG mailer if you got it or
Use .25c off any from 9/26PG
Final: $4.96 or $5.71
(4) Tampax Pearl 18 count $2.99
Use $2 off from 9/26PG
Final: .99c
(3) Always thin pads $2.99
Use $2 off from 9/26 PG (I also had a coupon for a free pack from "being a girl" mail offer from
Final: .99c
(1) Ironman 2 DVD $19.99
After buying all of the above PG products (bounty, tampax and always- got $15 off-must spend $25 in qualifying PG products)
Final: $4.99
I also used $5/$25 email from CVS sign up HERE to get a $4/$25 sent to your email
I also used $11.80 in ECB I had from before..
My total OOP w tax $14.06
Without ECB's $25.86 (still not too shappy for Pearl and DVD)
I also got a raincheck for this deal:
Oral B vitality rechargeable toothbrush $23
Get $13 ECB's
Use $10/1 Oral-B Electric Toothbrush from PG 9/26
Final: FREE (w/ecbs)

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