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Friday, November 19, 2010

Black Friday Ads + Cyber Monday Deals

Are you going out on Black Friday?  In case you weren't aware, you don't need to wait until the newspaper to get the ads for Black Friday.  As ads are released they are posted on various sites.  I personally use:


You can look at the Ad Scan or the product listing.  I am visual so I always look at the ad scan.  Everyone is looking for different things, so it seems silly to post deals for this or that.  If you've been shopping already, you know what is a good price for the items you are looking for.

For those who aren't interested in standing outside a store on Thanksgiving or the day after, then you can wait until the following Monday (11.29) and shop from the comfort (and safety) of your own home.  You can see all the Cyber Monday deals at:


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