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Friday, November 19, 2010

Gift Idea for teachers + Restaraunt.com deal

Restaurant.com Weekly Promo Offer 468 x 60

Get 80% off Restaurant.com $25 Gift Certificates! Use code GOBBLE at checkout now through 11/25/10.

That's a $25 gift Certificate for $2!  It's a great addition to any gift you are giving this year.  It would be really cut to make a to/from gift tag that you fold the gift certificate into!


Gift Tag Project:

Cut out two circles that are the same size and that will fit a gift certificate when you fold it into a square or recangle.

Glue along the edges in a U-shape to leave an opening at the top. After glue dries, insert folded certificate.

Cut out two small rectangles for the top of the Ornament gift tag.  Hole punch at the top and use decorative zig-zag scissors for the bottom.

Glue the topper to the top of the ornament on both sides.  Tie a string to the onament and write to/from on the tag.  Add this to any gift you are giving this year as an extra special gift!


Another idea for this same ornament is to use it for teachers gifts, this is what I plan to do for my kids teachers. Here is a picture of a similar idea:

We will be using a Rosemary Christmas tree and decorating it with these Ornaments filled with $5 gift cards.

Step 1: Write a letter to the teacher to find out her likes and favorite stores. 

Step 2: Write a letter to the parents to ask them to send in $6.  I have this as a document if anyone is interested, just email me. 

The money will go towards buying a $5 gift card for their child and the extra $1 will go towards buying a Rosemary Christmas tree that retails for $10 at the major Hardware stores. 

Step 3: Have the students decorate their ornaments and write their names on the back. You can ask the art teacher and volunteer that day or you can pull kids out of the class room 4 at a time to decorate them (with permission from the teacher of course)  I am having the kids do marble painting over the ornaments (before the yellow topper is added) with green, white, red paint.  (egg carton with paint,marbles in each tray, use spoon to scoop marble out and place in a box top where the ornament is laying flat.  Have the kids roll marbles over the ornament)

Step 4: (optional) On the morning of the last day before break bring the tree into the class and have the teacher sit at the table, have the kids line up outside class door and hand each child their ornament.  Have the kids come in and decorate the tree one by one and say "Merry Christmas" to the teacher. 

Note: the trees are kind of small, so I made 8 ornaments and the rest are rectangular shaped to resemble presents, these get laid at the bottom of the tree.

What a great teacher present, huh?  My son has 15 kids in his class, so that makes $75 worth of gift cards to his teachers favorite stores!  That is a gift that is not only special because the kids helped make it, but usable!

I will repost a picture when I we get the tree completed for the teachers.


  1. Awesome deal.... I just ordered a bunch of gift certificates for restaurants near my house and sent a $50 gift certificate to my stepson and daughter-in-law for their anniversary to Fayetteville, NC. They weren't going to be able to do anything for their anniversary. Now he can take her out to a spectacular dinner. And I got it all for $58 a savings of over $300! Wooo hooo!

  2. Susie,
    Thats fanastic! Thanks for commenting, I think some readers haven't jumped on this deal because they aren't sure if it's legit. The more people to post their good experiences, the more likely they are to jump aboard.
    I personally love Restaraunt.com, it's the only way to go out to dinner!


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