Tuesday, March 8, 2011

UPDATE Awesome printable coupons New Pediacare $2/1, Shout, Maybelline, Vitamin Water, Sara Lee Bread and more!

I have been printing some coupons this evening and thought I would share what I found:


    1. just wondering where you got the Diet Coke book? And P.S. I went to target and the cheapest Rimmel mascara they have is $2.99....which is strange because I clearly remember using that coupon in the past, and scoring it for only $0.24!

    2. Thanks for the price check :) I got the diet coke books at Basha's on Swan and Camp Lowell and Sunrise and Kolb. last week. I was super thrilled about the Vitamin Water coupons :)

    3. The Pedi Care was $7.99 at Walgreens on OST, so it was $2.43 for 2 with the coupons, still a great deal, expired in fall of 2012 so I should be good for awhile now


    4. THANKS! I'm gonna have to go and check it out. Do you remember where in the store you found it? I hope that I can find it, because I also have to feed my XXX addiction! (Vitamin Water) LOL

    5. Vickie-Thanks for the price- was that for kids or the drops?
      Leyla- I found them at the front near the register in a little display box (like a brochure box) not very big :) Btw there are reduced Vit Water at Fry's (22nd/OST).68c so use whole foods for .18c. I tried them dwlnld (berry cherry) and connect (black cherry and lime) pretty good-not XXX but still :)


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