Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Fry's Run-Coupons really do save you money!!!!

Ok, so for some readers the statement "Coupons really do save you money" probably makes you say "Well, duh!" 
but for others or those of you that just might be starting out on the coupon adventure it may seem like it takes too much time or it may seem difficult. 
I LOVE couponing to the point that my four your old accepts that he cannot have something if I say I don't have a coupon for that today".

That is not to say that it does take time and effort and there are those days when it doesn't exactly work out but I wanted to share my Fry's run yesterday because the "coupon deities" were smiling down upon me!
I paid $3.91 for the following:

(10) Tornadoes forzen taquitos $1.69 each with raincheck from previous Fry's sale(not all in pic-some went to Mom)
Used (10) .75c/1 coupons from SS 2/13/11
plus $5/$15 Safeway q from their weekly ad off frozen items.

(12) Bounty Basic towels $1.07 (closeout) (not all in pic some went to Mom)
Used (12) .25c/1 from PG 1/30/11

(2) El Monterrey frozen chimichanguitas and taco roles $5.99
Used B1G1 free from Facebook Game HERE

(5) Green Giant Steamers $1.37
Use .50c/2 from HERE
Use 50c/1 from HERE
Plus used another Safeway from their weekly ad $5/$15  frozen items on El Monterrey and Steamers

(6) Vitamin Waters .68c (closeout)
Used (6) .50c from HERE (Whole Foods)
plus (1) .50c from Diet Coke book at Bashas' (manufacturer q)

(2) Intution razor packages $3.59 (clearance table)
No q's

(1) GAME for family and students to use $10 (clearance table)
$1 off from ecoupon 10% off one home item(wasn't expecting that!)

(1) Charmin Sensitive 12 roll $5.88
Use $3 ecouponf rom HERE
plus .25c from PG 2/27/11
plus $2 off  target coupon from  RP 2/20/11

 (1) Reusable bag
Used free bag from Fresh and easy (no longer available)

(1) Blueberries .99c
No q's

At the end I also used $10/$50 Fresh and Easy (no longer available but hopefully they will come out with new ones)
And (2) $3 catalina coupons


  1. The Fry's on Speedway/Pantano has Red and White dishes on 75% off clearance. I picked up a white serving platter for $3.79, 2 red plates for $1.25, and a red bowl for $1. I plan to use the red ones as Christmas and Valentines decor (plant in bowl and "Merry Christmas" and "LOVE" on the plates)

  2. Hola- Thanks I haven't been to that one in awhile -I wanna check out their clearance :)


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