Monday, March 14, 2011

FREE Lulus sandals 3/15/11 3000 only!

Starting today March 15, 2011, go HERE and enter the code shoes to enter a giveaway for a pair of sandals. 
This offer is available to the first 3,000 people. U.S. only. and you must be 13-29 year old female
(I did it for my younger sister :)  If you do not want the trail subscription of Seventeen magazine make sure to enter without the subscription.
It is not very clear if the first 3,0000 or just 3,000 total will be given?  It doesn't say if it will come in the mail or when either.  I am hoping that some of us get them :)

I copied the rules :HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN THE LULUS.COM SHOE GIVEAWAY(April Issue): Beginning March, 15, 2011, go to and enter the code “shoes” to receive a gift card for a free pair of lulus .com sandals. Three-thousand (3,000) gift cards will be given away. One per person. Giveaway ends April 19, 2011, or while supplies last. Once all gift cards for sandals are distributed, there will be no substitute product given away.
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. Sponsored by Hearst Communications, Inc. Must be female, between the ages of 13 and 29, and a legal resident of the 50 United States, District of Columbia, or Canada. Void in Puerto Rico, Quebec Province, and where prohibited by law, unless otherwise noted.


  1. Are you emailed the gift card right away? Or does it take awhile?

  2. Honestly, not sure...I went back and posted the rules-they are a bit vague. I did it and all we can do is hope for the Best :)

  3. how do you get the gifcard? like i signed up but i dont get how you get the card?


We love hearing from our readers! If you are commenting for a giveaway, please leave your email or make sure we can access an email on your profile. Thanks!