Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Subscribe to the Arizona Republic , get a $25 Target Gift Card!

I just received an awesome e-mail from the Arizona Republic that says that I can refer new subscribers and they will receive a $25 Target Gift card for subscribing!!!  In addition, I will receive a $25 target gift card....WOW!!
I subscribe to the Arizona Republic because the coupons are more abundant and often "better" than the ones in the Arizona Daily Star.  It is delivered outside of the Phoenix area...
So if you are interested please GO through this link
and use reference #Reference Number: 2582472 and click on SUBSCRIBE NOW

There are different options:
Sunday and Wednesday only (this is what I do) $2 per week
Daily Delivery $3 per week
Sunday + Wednesday:  First 26 weeks @ $2.00/wk ($55.68 includes tax)
Daily Delivery:  First 26 weeks @ $3.00/wk ($83.51 includes tax) 

The gift Card special expires 4/15/11.


  1. WOW! What an awesome deal! Do they charge you on a weekly/monthly basis, or do you pay all at once?

  2. It looks like you pay all at once- R u thinking about trying it?

  3. will I receive a $25 Target Gift card? If I subscribe, yes or no?

  4. xpjl- Yes- just make sure to put in my reference # after you hit the subscribe now button. It is:2582472 You can also let me know that you did so and I can keep tabs on it :) It expires April 15, 2011.

  5. I'll try it. ...It is:2582472...
    Pat Leonard

    I used #Reference Number: 2582472 - It didn't work!

  6. "Promotion has expired!"
    So, it doesn't work? 2582472 - no work at submit time

    Pat Leonard

  7. I just subscribed through your referral link, so hopefully both of us will receive a Target gift card! Thank you!

  8. I got my gift card, thanks!! I hope you got yours too.

  9. That is so awesome- I haven't yet but hopefully soon!


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