Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My 1st 99c only Trip!

I had never been to a 99c only store before!
Thanks to KC at Desert Deals Diva, I decided to check it out and I found one on the east side Golf Links/Kolb. There is also one on Valencia and one on Ina.
It was HUGE!  I guess I expected a smaller store.  I did buy all of the items in the pic. plus a couple of Toy Story items for my son (a photo album and a journal)
I spent double what I spent at Fry's but this IS mainly produce:)

The funny thing is there were about 8 women waiting around the produce/dairy area the entire time I was at the store so I asked what they were waiting for and they said see those boxes (through the dairy case doors) those mught have something good!
Well, I had to go before I got to see what was back there but maybe next time- LOL!

BTW some things were less than 99c like a jar of Tapatio that was .59c but my husband drinks it so I figured it would be a better deal to stick with the giant bottles!

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